Israel / Palestine

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Is it coincidental that once again attacks on* the state Israel occur at or around a Jewish Holiday Period?
Thinking back to the 1973 Yom Kippur War as well

I use the term loosely as I am aware Israel has (potentially) responded by invading Lebanon now
I don't think Hamas didn't plan to attack on a holiday period, it was well planned, similarly Isreal when attacking Libanon claimed they where planning their style of October 7 attacks. Whilst i highly doubt that considering they chickened out of helping hamas by opening an second front last year.(something that also seemed to surprise hamas) It is off course a perfect opportunity to get rid of an Irianan proxy and put Iran in a difficult position as well, considering their rocket attacks destroyed nothing of value(nothing at all according to Isreal a few hangars and other type of buildings according to satelitte analysis, but no evidence of any damaged or destroyed F35s instead ot the 20 Iran claimed to have destroyed. But Isreal still has more then enough left to strike back including those f35S steatlh bombers.. not a good position to be in.

My mind was wondering last night and got to the conflict. Obviously hypothetical, but if everyone backing the various sides was to pull out and let them crack on, where would things end up? I reckon it'd be a Troy style siege scenario, with Israel battening down the hatches and hoping whatever munitions they had left would see them out before their opponents got bored and started on each other.

Either that or they go gung-ho with said munitions and try to wipe everyone out, but I don't think that would end well for them.
But Isreal and iran and not just receiptments of backing of whatever party but also supplies so left-wing hamas supporting outlets/political parties etc. are talking out of their @rse when they say we should just ''pull our support'' because it does not work like that Israel is part of the defense strategy so pulling out can't be done both in terms of breach of many contract and/or national security.
Iran in turn supplies trains and helps militia's like Hezbollah, Hamas, the houthi's and then some in Africa together with the Russians, Iran could stop backing those militia's but stop backing Russia would bring them into bigger issues, as military hardware is mostly based on Russian designs similar the russians can't do without Iran either

Also an important party that doesn't get a mention much, the Saudi's are backing Israel too, behind doors and increasingly publicly, might have something to do with a little rift they have with Iran backed houthi's

A while back I'd have said the Americans would veto the use of nuclear weapons. Now I'm not nearly so sure.
I don't get the Nuclear weapons argument, the actual use of these weapons is very limited, it's a weapon of mass destruction, something the Iranians might like but they promised Joe they didn't make one so why should we distrust them? For Isreal if they even have them throwing them on Iran goes directly against Nethanyahu's speech addressing Iranian people directly, bunker busting bombs on Irans ballistic missile launch installations would be far more effective. (And they have shown they are effective in Libanon, so Iran'bunkers aren't safe either)


Reading around the chip



Well-Known Member
Change the fucking record, Spen. We've all had a whole year of watching devastated humans pulling pieces of what were once their children out of the rubble that once was their home. We are not going to forget what we have seen. Only psychos, morons, and people who have sold their soul are still "standing with Israel". Israel is a lost cause - go ahead and yoke yourself to it if you are happy to be dragged into the abyss...

Change the record?

Oh I'm sorry the truth and facts are upsetting you.

Let's pretend for The Claud that Hamas never attacked and slaughtered people in Israel on October 7th and Hezbollah have never launched missiles into Israel, and Iran haven't twice launched missiles attacks on Israel.

Then when we ignore any attacks on Israel, we can pretend it's only Israel doing things wrong.

Idiotic thinking pretending one side are saints and the other is evil is making the situation more polarised and more dangerous.

Both sides need to recognise their and their opponents action and stop trying to deny the right of the other side to exist


Elder Goth
Again, nobody is pretending that Hamas et al. haven't done these things or that they are paragons of virtue.

I can't remember (and don't really care) if it was this thread or another where you claimed you were too intelligent for this forum; it's a shame your intelligence apparently doesn't cover basic comprehension skills.
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside

Shıt didn’t start at that point.

Amazing how many people seem to think that the palestinian conflict only started last year.

It is not so much when it started that concerns me personally, but, rather, when and how it is going to end.

There are no doubt myriad grievances, and, myriad "guilty parties" (including UK), but, the situation is what it is. There are several million people living in the region, they have to come to an accommodation which does not involve killing each other.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Change the record?

Oh I'm sorry the truth and facts are upsetting you.

Let's pretend for The Claud that Hamas never attacked and slaughtered people in Israel on October 7th and Hezbollah have never launched missiles into Israel, and Iran haven't twice launched missiles attacks on Israel.

Then when we ignore any attacks on Israel, we can pretend it's only Israel doing things wrong.

Idiotic thinking pretending one side are saints and the other is evil is making the situation more polarised and more dangerous.

Both sides need to recognise their and their opponents action and stop trying to deny the right of the other side to exist

Is this The Claud that exists only inside your head?


Über Member
It's even more amazing how lot like you turns agressors into victims, just for your hate of jews/isreali's

It’s Israel who is the aggressor.

It’s Israel who, for decades, has illegally seized and still occupies land that doesn’t belong to it. It is Israel that confines Palestinians in an open-air prison called Gaza. It’s Israel that restricts their access to medicine, food, water, electricity. It’s Israel that surrounds Gaza with surveillance cameras and AI-controlled machine gun towers. It’s Israel that has bombed every university, hospital and school in Gaza.

It’s Israel that fired 355 bullets into an already immobilised car to murder a young girl who was trapped and calling for help. It’s Israel whose snipers executed the brave paramedics who tried to rescue her.

It’s Israel that sends their citizens into the West Bank to illegally occupy land and homes that aren’t theirs. It’s Israel that distributes assault weapons to these thugs to harass, abuse and kill anyone who resists them. It’s Israel that encourages these occupiers to steal or destroy Palestinian water sources.

It is Israel that is expanding its offensive into Lebanon.

But somehow they’ve convinced you and much of the world that they are the victims.


Über Member
It's even more amazing how lot like you turns agressors into victims, just for your hate of jews/isreali's

It would do you well read this article by a jewish writer about the cult of October 7th.

It is funny that your lot complain all the time about minorities playing the victim about historical wrongs and how they should get over it, but when it is the Israeli government doing it then it is fine and dandy.


Über Member
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