Israel / Palestine

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Deleted member 49

It's more akin to the demand for left wing purity in which certain progressives can't disagree with particular actions in case it hints at anything other than wholehearted support for the overall cause.
Any civilian death is wrong.
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Deleted member 159


Bet they don't.

Charlie probably filmed the event ;)


Über Member
It's more akin to the demand for left wing purity in which certain progressives can't disagree with particular actions in case it hints at anything other than wholehearted support for the overall cause.

What about the inability of some people to condemn Israel's response under the excuse of Israel's "right to defend itself". (Or just the fear of being called antisemitic)
It's more akin to the demand for left wing purity in which certain progressives can't disagree with particular actions in case it hints at anything other than wholehearted support for the overall cause.



Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
If you think that I condone atrocity then quite frankly that's a you problem which I'm not responsible for and I'm not going to take the suggestion seriously.
There's been a fair bit of 'both sides though' and 'Yes, but context..', sometimes in a rather dismissive tone considering what's going on.
You may want to read about the nakba

Plus a bit of denial of atrocities from Hamas.
UK media leads with unverified and widely disputed reports of Hamas atrocities together with picture of nice Israeli soldier holding a cute puppy.

Re 'rape and execution of families':
I don't see any mention of these atrocities. Do you have a link?

Bit of jocularity about the children killed at the kibbutz that I doubt we'll be seeing about the deaths of Palestinian children in Gaza this weekend. You gave this one a like yourself, CR:

Beheading babies is a bit weird. I believe the normal method is to impale them on one's bayonet.

If you think that I condone atrocity then quite frankly that's a you problem which I'm not responsible for and I'm not going to take the suggestion seriously.

And I won't take you seriously when you talk about Israeli oppression but refuse to condemn war crimes from both sides.
You don’t have to support Hamas policies to stand up for Palestinian rights, that’s a complete falsity. You think the worse thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by a thousand times, and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing and dispossession of Palestinians.
I agree with you that you can support palestians without supporting Hamas however, often when they say i support Palestine they also mean Hamas
Hadley Freeman was on Newsnight coming out with this bullshit. Saying that support for Palestine is the same as support for Hamas. It's absolutely not and if you were to say similar about Jews / Israel then you'd be crossing the line into antisemitism.
For once we agree on something, Isreal indeed calls something antisemitism very quickly when it should just be called criticism. a bit the same as any criticism on muslims is often confused with islamophobia
Yet this thread is full of people refusing to condemn Hamas atrocities because Israel oppresses the Palestinians. It's 2 sides of the same coin. Plenty of people who supported a united Ireland had no trouble condemning the actions of the IRA. They didn't sit round after Enniskillen saying context.
Agreed, and if they admit it they often have a double standard when it comes to whatever Isreal does. But realsitically from both side palestians and Isreali's a lot has to change before they can have peace, taking out Hamas would be the first step, on the other hand this:

was on the 4th, a few days before Hamas's killing spree
What about the inability of some people to condemn Israel's response under the excuse of Israel's "right to defend itself". (Or just the fear of being called antisemitic)
I had a similar discussion in this very topic with someone else but, you want to condemn Isreal's response fine, if you look at the popularity ratings so do the Isrealis themselves, however the next point then is how should they respond? Or are you good in shouting what they do wrong but don't a honest answer on what they should do?

WTF denial of atrocities? It's concern about the exaggeration of atrocities and the use of such exaggeration in order to justify further atrocities.
it was you who wrote something in the lines of ''i can't conderm hamas becuse, but if then else'' if you made your bed you gotta lie in it.
Is there an approved form of words and frequency of repetition that would satisfy you, @AuroraSaab ?

I’m going to take a wild guess that I know the answer.

An expression that the actions of Hamas were awful regardless of the wider context would be nice to hear. You've managed to make 19 posts on this thread so far so I'm going to take a wild guess that if you thought that you'd have said it by now.

It's typical of this forum that the biggest outpouring of disgust has been over a bad taste cartoon.
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