Israel / Palestine

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An old video of Christopher Hitchens talking about how the creation of Israel was a stupid idea.



Über Member
There are several clips on twitter of this man giving very disturbing evidence regarding the deliberate slaughter of children by the US-backed IDF terrorists in Gaza. In this clip he struggles to keep back the tears as he describes what he experienced there.

But, somehow, this tiny excerpt is buried by the BBC on their ‘local news’ page for Hampshire & the Isle of Wight.

Yeah, I can see that the professor is from Hampshire but, fùck me, this should at the very least be on their Israel/Gaza War page, if not a headline on the main BBC landing page.

Bombing children then shooting them. Operating rooms with flies landing on wounds. Removing maggots from wounds, including from the throat of a child during surgery.
Having paracetomol as the only pain relief even after amputations.

The horrors of this campaign are being muffled to appease the UK and US governments’ support of Israel.

Giving evidence to the parliamentary International Development Committee, he broke down as he described children's accounts of being shot by quadcopters.
Labour MP Sarah Champion, who chairs the committee, said his evidence was "profound and deeply chilling".
The 62-year-old surgeon told MPs: "What I found particularly disturbing was that a bomb would drop, maybe on a crowded, tented area and then the drones would come down."
His face shook with emotion as he paused for several seconds to compose himself.
He continued: "The drones would come down and pick off civilians - children.
"We [were] operating on children who would say: 'I was lying on the ground after a bomb had dropped and this quadcopter came down and hovered over me and shot me.'
"That's clearly a deliberate act and it was a persistent act - persistent targeting of civilians day after day."

He added: "The bullets that the drones fire are these small cuboid pellets and I fished a number of those out of the abdomen of small children. I think the youngest I operated on was a three-year-old.
"These pellets were in a way more destructive than bullets.

"With the drone pellets, what I found was they would go in and they would bounce around so they would cause multiple injuries.

In a statement after Tuesday's hearing, Ms Champion [committee chair] said: "On this evidence, the UK needs to take seriously the prospect of international humanitarian law having been egregiously broken in Gaza.


Well-Known Member
I see the US has made itself even less relevant and relinquished any vestiges of influence beyond continuing to pour arms into the Israeli war machine.

30 days ago they issued a letter with specific "Israel must ..." directives in relation to facilitating aid getting into Gaza. Israel is ignored it and the situation is actually worse than when the letter was issued so the US has decided to ... do nothing beyond supplying ever more arms.

What strategy or credibility does the US have when it issues such a letter but then fails to follow through in any way when Israel just gives them "the finger".

Beggars belief.

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Rusty Nails

Country Member
I see the US has made itself even less relevant and relinquished any vestiges of influence beyond continuing to pour arms into the Israeli war machine.

30 days ago they issued a letter with specific "Israel must ..." directives in relation to facilitating aid getting into Gaza. Israel is ignored it and the situation is actually worse than when the letter was issued so the US has decided to ... do nothing beyond supplying ever more arms.

What strategy or credibility does the US have when it issues such a letter but then fails to follow through in any way when Israel just gives them "the finger".

Beggars belief.


Israel just has to bide its time until Trump takes over the White House.

Future policy by the US will not be based on credibility it has overseas. Trump will not worry about going back on anything Biden has said. His only care will be that the US remains powerful and does what it wants, and two fingers to anyone else. It will be a bonus if Israel gets to fight a proxy war for it with EyeRan.

It only beggars belief if you expect anything else from a US led by Trump.

Ian H

Legendary Member
An old video of Christopher Hitchens talking about how the creation of Israel was a stupid idea.


That's irrelevant now. Israel exists and isn't going to go away. The US, for various reasons, has strategic reasons for supporting it. And thus, the genocide will continue. The Biden administration's public criticisms of Israeli actions are completely at odds with its continued funding and arms supply. This is the most cynical display of political expediency.


Legendary Member
That's irrelevant now. Israel exists and isn't going to go away. The US, for various reasons, has strategic reasons for supporting it. And thus, the genocide will continue. The Biden administration's public criticisms of Israeli actions are completely at odds with its continued funding and arms supply. This is the most cynical display of political expediency.

USA and Israel versus the Arab world. Profit versus Prophet. This even though Jews and Arabs are both Semitic peoples sharing Abrahamic teaching; both sides apparently anti-Semitic. Funny old world.
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USA and Israel versus the Arab world. Profit versus Prophet. This even though Jews and Arabs are both Semitic peoples sharing Abrahamic teaching; both sides apparently anti-Semitic. Funny old world.
Silly that, yes it was Iran's agenda to get an all out basically ''Arab's VS the west'' war by backing Hamas Hezbollah and a few others. However it turns out that if you also fund a fraction attacking part of the Arab world (the Houthi's) your evil scheme doesn't really work. And thus it might become Isreal and the US agianst Iran, but that's about it. Erdogan barks he clearly doesn't like Nethanyahu but in the end it's Iran and it's bought proxies Against Isreal the Us and everyone in the middle east who prefers Isreal/the Us above Iranian infosphere Which include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar and some others, they will not all participate in either supplying or allowing war planes to land but they won't go against the Us/Isreal either


Could somebody explain to me how, when a court judges look at presented evidence and decide there is adequate evidence and there are grounds to bring a full case that this becomes "antisemitic"?


It’s great isn’t it. Israel think the decision is antisemitism despite the fact that Hamas have also been indicted.

The only thing they both seem to agree on, is that neither think the court is right.
It’s great isn’t it. Israel think the decision is antisemitism despite the fact that Hamas have also been indicted.

The only thing they both seem to agree on, is that neither think the court is right.
A criminal often also says he is innocent up until it turns out the criminal isn't. The fact that Hamas is also indicted doesn't say a lot, first of the ones on the warant are most likely death, second off it's a bit late, they evidence they took in now is the same they had 10/15 years ago.
Having said that, antisemitism a very weak defense in my view.
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