Israel / Palestine

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Ian H

Legendary Member
If you need to go that far back maybe go a little bit futher back so you can finally read up and understand that Isreal is not an illigal occupier the land was from the uk and they decided to split it, the palestians had a say but instead of peacefully discussing the issue, they chose war, which against all odds they lost.

Also a must read for all the ''asymetrical balance'' screamers, all tough most of us will known just chose to ignore it. only known facts when they are convienent right?
"Its avowed aim was to evict the British authorities from Palestine by use of violence, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel, upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later. The group referred to its members as terrorists and admitted to having carried out terrorist attacks."
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I known very well what a untermensch is thank you, it was a well chosen response to someone who gloryfies a terrorist.
"Its avowed aim was to evict the British authorities from Palestine by use of violence, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel, upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later. The group referred to its members as terrorists and admitted to having carried out terrorist attacks."
Yeah you posted that before, nothing suggest they invaded and killed whole villages just because Palestians where living there now do they? Having said that, i never claimed Isreal has clean hands, They have their fair schare of human right breaches use of weapons they signed treaties for not to use them and so further and so forth. Having said that, i think it's still justified that they want to cleanse the whole area of Hamas, whether or not using bombs is the best way is a second on the other hand, i think all those rocket launches kind of forced them, i mean you all keep on posting when an Hamas friends hit an Palestian hospital and claims to have killed 500 take hamas claim for granted and go all out on Isreal but it has 2 things in them
1. Isreal didn't start this War all could have been prevented if Hamas would have left them alone.
2. It's striking how easily media and 70% of this forums believes whatever Hamas tells them, just to be clear i'm not saying everything Isreal says is true, for example if you would have asked them on 5 October ''mate, how is your border security doing'' they would have most likely have said ''fine nothing unusual'' well with the knowledge of now we know there was something seriously wrong and it was for a long time. So information from both should be met with a scepitcal view, yet somehow on this forum in the leftish media, Isreal seem to be doubted much more than Hamas. While there is no clear reason they both as unreliable.

They loved to abuse little girls for humanitarian aid in Haiti... Hope they learned a lesson.
If they have learned their lesson are they gonna build water pipes so Hamas or it's successor can dig them up and make rocket launchers out of them.. again?
Other then that humanitarian it seems good, although i don't think it's a funds issue more an border access issue.(last i heard Egypt still hasn't opened the border for humanitarian aid convoys.
That is exactly what they did in 1948.
Really why does wikipedia state this
. Around 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes in the area that became Israel, and they became Palestinian refugees[28] in what they refer to as the Nakba ("the catastrophe"). A similar number of Jews moved to Israel during the three years following the war, including 260,000 from the surrounding Arab states.
Nothing about burning down villages, nothing about killing them etc. etc. they had to flee just as all the jews living in neighbouring Arab/muslim countries. Which isn't good but not the same as your claim. And present day 20% of Isreal's population is Palestinian.
I known very well what a untermensch is thank you, it was a well chosen response to someone who gloryfies a terrorist.

Yeah you posted that before, nothing suggest they invaded and killed whole villages just because Palestians where living there now do they? Having said that, i never claimed Isreal has clean hands, They have their fair schare of human right breaches use of weapons they signed treaties for not to use them and so further and so forth. Having said that, i think it's still justified that they want to cleanse the whole area of Hamas, whether or not using bombs is the best way is a second on the other hand, i think all those rocket launches kind of forced them, i mean you all keep on posting when an Hamas friends hit an Palestian hospital and claims to have killed 500 take hamas claim for granted and go all out on Isreal but it has 2 things in them
1. Isreal didn't start this War all could have been prevented if Hamas would have left them alone.
2. It's striking how easily media and 70% of this forums believes whatever Hamas tells them, just to be clear i'm not saying everything Isreal says is true, for example if you would have asked them on 5 October ''mate, how is your border security doing'' they would have most likely have said ''fine nothing unusual'' well with the knowledge of now we know there was something seriously wrong and it was for a long time. So information from both should be met with a scepitcal view, yet somehow on this forum in the leftish media, Isreal seem to be doubted much more than Hamas. While there is no clear reason they both as unreliable.

They loved to abuse little girls for humanitarian aid in Haiti... Hope they learned a lesson.
If they have learned their lesson are they gonna build water pipes so Hamas or it's successor can dig them up and make rocket launchers out of them.. again?
Other then that humanitarian it seems good, although i don't think it's a funds issue more an border access issue.(last i heard Egypt still hasn't opened the border for humanitarian aid convoys.

I have never glorified terrorism you lying Islamophobe. Go back and look at my post and read it again. I was critical of the IDF as well as Hamas/Hezbollah. None of my posts have glorified terrorists of any kind. Feel free to show me where. I'll wait.

Israel could've avoided this via the 2 state solution, which the Knesset have refused to ratify, and stopping the illegal settlers, as mandated by a 2016 UN Security Council Resolution.

Egypt cannot open their borders and allow aid through until Israel stops chucking missiles around like confetti.
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if you would actually read it you would known the text i pasted comes from that article, hell i wrote(where i got it from in case you don't understand) it and still you get it wrong.
One of the most balanced articles I've seen so far.

Two quotes -

I’m all for freeing Palestine, but first, the Palestinian cause needs to free itself from the shame of this genocidal violence – and Hamas’ mentality that justifies it, which sees all Israelis as ‘settlers’ and therefore not civilians.

There are unmistakably genocidal elements, too, in Israel’s violence and threats to Gaza. Unlike Hamas, it claims to distinguish civilians from the armed enemy, but the destruction of whole neighbourhoods, with an estimated 300,000 already displaced and a million ordered to leave their homes, speaks otherwise. Cutting off power, water and fuel until Israeli hostages are freed turns Gaza’s entire population into hostages. For Palestinians, this all evokes the Nakba of 1948.

And -

Benjamin Netanyahu’s catastrophic overreaction seeks not only to match the horror of the Hamas attacks but also to expunge the humiliation of his failure to prevent them. Not the least of the charges against the Hamas leadership is that they knowingly exposed their two million people to this terror. But the acquiescence of almost the entire Israeli political class in Netanyahu’s strategy of destruction is similarly immoral.
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Ian H

Legendary Member
I known very well what a untermensch is thank you, it was a well chosen response to someone who gloryfies a terrorist.

Yeah you posted that before, nothing suggest they invaded and killed whole villages just because Palestians where living there now do they?humanitarian aid convoys.
You didn't read the whole article then.
"In April of 1948, Lehi and the Irgun were jointly responsible for the massacre in Deir Yassin of at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children. Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, and made many other attacks on the British in Palestine. On 29 May 1948, the government of Israel, having inducted its activist members into the Israel Defense Forces, formally disbanded Lehi, though some of its members carried out one more terrorist act, the assassination of Folke Bernadotte some months later,"
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Senior Member
I known very well what a untermensch is thank you, it was a well chosen response to someone who gloryfies a terrorist.
Apart from the glorification of terrorism existing only in your head, it might not be a good word to throw around on a public forum when you don't know the ethnic background of the person you're throwing it at.
It looks even worse coming from someone who appears to think that the ethnic cleansing of Gaza is acceptable.
I have never glorified terrorism you lying Islamophobe. Go back and look at my post and read it again.
i don't known who you think you are but i read your post again and their still $hite. But ok you say a few times that you don't like Hamas hoorah for you.

I was critical of the IDF as well as Hamas/Hezbollah. None of my posts have glorified terrorists of any kind. Feel free to show me where. I'll wait.
I already confirmed above, alltough critical off the IDF and ''Isreal is a terrorist state'' are two different things

Israel could've avoided this via the 2 state solution, which the Knesset have refused to ratify, and stopping the illegal settlers, as mandated by a 2016 UN Security Council Resolution.
Agree with you on illigal settlements there should have been much more pressure on them to stop stealing land. Two state solution is now further away than ever, it was kicked down the street with Trumps acceptance of Jerusalem as being part of Isreal but now off course it's even more complicated.

Especially with the current Isreali goverment.
Egypt cannot open their borders and allow aid through until Israel stops chucking missiles around like confetti.
There is one rumored Isreali attack near that border before they asked/ordered palestinian civilians to move/flee to that area, that was before that order.
Egypt argreed to open it's border and confirmed that had that agreement, and let's be very clear Egypt only allow humantian aid trough. As a arab/muslim country they don't want to take in any palestian what a Islamopobes right? or could there be a tiny/little/other reason why they decided against that?
uh and baselessly claiming that Isreal chucking missiles ion the egypt border ''like confetti is ''Critical of the IDF?'' outright false information
update as of this morning the border is open for humantarian aid and foreigners in Palestine.(who are allowed in Egypt) Palestinians are still not let in.

You didn't read the whole article then.
"In April of 1948, Lehi and the Irgun were jointly responsible for the massacre in Deir Yassin of at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children. Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, and made many other attacks on the British in Palestine. On 29 May 1948, the government of Israel, having inducted its activist members into the Israel Defense Forces, formally disbanded Lehi, though some of its members carried out one more terrorist act, the assassination of Folke Bernadotte some months later,"
I did you just didn't follow where the discussion was about, it wasn't about whether or not Isreal's paramilitary/terror/however you wanna call their different fractions that became the IDF(not just Lehi what your earlier article claimed) ever committed attacks or murders/assiniations or not it was about if they killed and burned down whole villages, and killed everyone like Hamas did. Which isn't the case which is why 700.000 palestians where displaced forced to flee in 1948.
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