Israel / Palestine

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Active Member
update as of this morning the border is open for humantarian aid and foreigners in Palestine.(who are allowed in Egypt) Palestinians are still not let in
hamas will nick the aid to water and feed their murders, they won’t give a fark about the Palestinians.
Twenty trucks for two million people. As I think Frankie Boyle said, it’s like a last cigarette for a prisoner facing a firing squad.
Yes well i'm just the messender but it's indeed not much, and so far i understand there also isn't more coming.
We all known what we as europe did to help the Ukranians, apperently it doesn't work Palestinians i guess Egypt must has a good reason for it.

hamas will nick the aid to water and feed their murders, they won’t give a fark about the Palestinians.
Jup that is the most likely outcome because any suffering from starvation etc. they will blame on Isreal and the west. To be honest that is with more countries we bring humantarian aid. Surely short term you help people long term you help whatever regime is in power.

Deleted member 49

hamas will nick the aid to water and feed their murders, they won’t give a fark about the Palestinians.

Yes well i'm just the messender but it's indeed not much, and so far i understand there also isn't more coming.


Meanwhile Israel carries on commiting war crimes,more than 4000 dead and feck knows how many injured...but throw in a bit of starvation to finish the job off ?
Show some fecking's horrific.


Active Member


Meanwhile Israel carries on commiting war crimes,more than 4000 dead and feck knows how many injured...but throw in a bit of starvation to finish the job off ?
Show some fecking's horrific.

It could be 200, 2000 lorries worth of supplies, those hamas animals will appropriate it ensuring that they can continue to murder while letting their own population suffer.

When they went into Israel to commit horrific atrocities on men, women and children they knew the likely consequences, they welcome them. Making their own population suffer is part of their strategy, they have no compassion.

The whole situation is horrific, a tragedy for both civilian populations.

Ian H

Legendary Member
t in.

I did you just didn't follow where the discussion was about, it wasn't about whether or not Isreal's paramilitary/terror/however you wanna call their different fractions that became the IDF(not just Lehi what your earlier article claimed) ever committed attacks or murders/assiniations or not it was about if they killed and burned down whole villages, and killed everyone like Hamas did. Which isn't the case which is why 700.000 palestians where displaced forced to flee in 1948.
"[Golda] Meir was in no doubt about what should be done by the government to decide the fate of the 750,000 refugees created by the Nakba. ‘Are we prepared to preserve these villages so that their inhabitants may return,’ she said, ‘or do we want to erase any record that there had been a village in that place?’ She was not, she said, ‘one of those extremists ... who want to do everything that can be done to bring back the Arabs’. By breaking her party’s silence on the subject, Meir forced her colleagues’ hands. Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett, the foreign minister, soon made it clear that refugees would not be allowed to return to their homes." [1948]
"[Golda] Meir was in no doubt about what should be done by the government to decide the fate of the 750,000 refugees created by the Nakba. ‘Are we prepared to preserve these villages so that their inhabitants may return,’ she said, ‘or do we want to erase any record that there had been a village in that place?’ She was not, she said, ‘one of those extremists ... who want to do everything that can be done to bring back the Arabs’. By breaking her party’s silence on the subject, Meir forced her colleagues’ hands. Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett, the foreign minister, soon made it clear that refugees would not be allowed to return to their homes." [1948]
Still doesn't say they did the same as Hamas, which again is proven by the fact the original inhabitants fled, Hamas made fleeing impossible by using machine guns.
You might as well paste that whole wikipedia entry so you can see for youraelf it's not in there, i read things before i claim them.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Still doesn't say they did the same as Hamas, which again is proven by the fact the original inhabitants fled, Hamas made fleeing impossible by using machine guns.
You might as well paste that whole wikipedia entry so you can see for youraelf it's not in there, i read things before i claim them.

The survivors fled to avoid being killed.

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