No this is just an other translation, Hamas later also changed to wording slightly from jews to zionist, bus as seen on 7-10 the change was only in words. i have it from a article from one of the sons of the founders(of hamas) forgot his name, can look it up sometime. but the link you showed that says the same just with a lot of worlds.
Yes, but there is so much to say about that it would be better suited in an new topic.
Simple i go to wikipedia it says: ''Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel).['' (
Hamas ideological gains killing as much jews/isreali's as possible seem to be working but that is of course not very hard. Whilst some of you seem to claim Isreal is targeting civilians deliberately i don't agree with that statement. Thus don't agree with calling them terrorist.(or the variants of it like terorrist state etc.
I gave the example before but why not repeat it right? Isreal has a system in place that will convict their police offercers/soldiers etc. alltough it's far from perfect it there, compared to Hamas that celebrates every attack on Isreal whether it was 7 October or the numberous much smaller incidents.
That for me makes a big difference Isreal attempts to create/restore the balance of justice, Hamas openly celebrates the death of someone from the wrong ethnicity. (in their eyes) You can fix an not optimally working justice system, you can't fix an system that doesn't recognize justice at all. Hence that's it why Hamas will always resort to terror and violence.