Israel / Palestine

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The Israel government is cruel and ruthless and always takes revenge. They were never going to sit back after these attacks, and I doubt the Israeli people would allow them to...and they have bigger and more weapons
Key is in the last point of your sentence '' the Isreali people '' indeed, thats also the biggest difference with the other side, that doesn't care about it's poeple except for a small club that is the leadership. but the hatred is indeed very deep sadly, i mean there almost was some kind of peace just before the millennium, but a other jewish person shot Rabin and with that the peace process.
Hamas know this well and clearly knew that there would be heavy retaliation by Israel in which there would be massive casualties in Gaza and other Palestinian areas. They do not care about civilian deaths and it would not surprise me if they banked on it with the aim of sparking more outrage and gaining the involvement of other Arab nations.
Well i think it's a bit more complicated, in the extremist clubs, we had Isis, we now have the Taliban back, in Palestine there was Fatah that has now been replaced by Hamas for the last 20 years and first Isis and now Taliban is trying to wage a tug of words of calling them not extreme enough.
So it's also a continues need to cause pain and destruction because building a working society hasn't worked in the past 20 years so why would it work now?

This is not going to be resolved without the active involvement of other nations and I hope this is not military involvement.
Isreal is the similar to south Korea(although thankfully they didn't have to use it so far) in this respect, so i don't think they need support i known the US meanwhile is sending hardware, but the amount of military hardware and development on that matter that Isreal had and has is very high.

Events in Ukraine and now Israel makes the world a much more dangerous place.
Sadly something i agree with.


Well-Known Member
The knowledge of the region and religions with their history is good. Wiki does have a lot of truth still but isn’t perfect. Interesting information thanks for adding.
However explain to me how they were “surprised”? They have the best counter terrorist program on the planet. Satellites can read grave stones & they can listen in to Joe Biden snoozing in his rocking chair. Hamas were Slowly gliding in on a clear sunny day. Hamas were 100% helped by somebody else. Children will be killed and people will profit. Petrol will go up even more now. Iran is next. You all see everything in black and white but I can see how it was all designed. Others may think the same but don’t have the balls to admit it.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Bombing Hamas strongholds, considering the amount of reported secondary explosions there intelligence is correct. (secondary explosion indicates ammunitions exploding.)

Hamas being a terror organization did everything to kill as much civilians as possible, you can't deny that based on what we have seen in the past few days, sure with the amount of bombing Isreal now does, surely enough civilians are gonna get killed too but there is an difference between invading and going house to house and shoot everything in sight and targeted bombings.

I accept that this figure is probably difficult to verify.

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Kirsty Wark goes Full Aurora on Palestinian ambassador Husam Zomlot, who has just had 6 family members killed by Israel.


It may just be my idiot powers of comprehension but did she just suggest that the killing of Palestinian kids was, if not justified exactly then excused, minimised maybe by the killing of Israeli kids? It's not algebra, they don't cancel out.

I think people could do with taking lessons about antisemitism and how it relates to Jewish people and the state of Israel, and applying it to other populations as well.


Reading around the chip
It may just be my idiot powers of comprehension but did she just suggest that the killing of Palestinian kids was, if not justified exactly then excused, minimised maybe by the killing of Israeli kids? It's not algebra, they don't cancel out.

I think people could do with taking lessons about antisemitism and how it relates to Jewish people and the state of Israel, and applying it to other populations as well.

Palestinians are not human beings in Western mainstream media and politics.


This wouldn’t have happened under Trumps watch.

Totally balls.
You have nothing to support that comment.
Remember Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem as a direct provocation to Hamas.
Kirsty Wark goes Full Aurora on Palestinian ambassador Husam Zomlot, who has just had 6 family members killed by Israel.

Funny how your first post on this topic is one attacking another poster. Nothing's too tragic to be appropriated as a vehicle to be snarky for you, Claud. Most people might think 'Maybe not right now'. Not you though. Glad to see you don't let horrific events prevent you from point scoring on here.

I've criticised Israel in this thread. It's not hard to do so whilst still acknowledging that the actions of Hamas were uncalled for atrocities against civilians. It seems to be the second bit people are struggling with.
You need to look deeper into this. How did the best intelligence service and top military not know they were coming? No way they surprised them. People high up on the inside knew.
I would say the same global cult is puppeteering both sides. Hamas knows lots of their own innocent children will be killed now. They need to join together and oppose who ever really started it.
I’m going to throw out a guess that this may be a stepping stone to start war with Iran next. Global dystopia isn’t some conspiracy theory it’s just a possibility now.

Who is this 'Global Cult?' Do they involve lizards and microchips made by Bill Gates?
I accept that this figure is probably difficult to verify.
That's why my post your quoted didn't contain any numbers, they are indeed hard to verify and often used as a tool to gain sympathy. but don't take into account evil action like Hamas did in the past which included moving women and children into buildings they known Isreal is going to bomb. It's just a whole different ballgame if the other side is a bunch of terrorist who don't care about the lives of their civilians anyway.

And of course, we all know that war crimes are not war crimes when Israel commits them.
I don't agree with that statement, anhy war crimes are wrong, having said that
Kirsty Wark goes Full Aurora on Palestinian ambassador Husam Zomlot, who has just had 6 family members killed by Israel.
The problem what he says a few times'' we are the government is that they might be on paper, Palestine is in fact ruled by Hamas. He also points directly to Isreal all the while calling Hamas an ''military movement'' and than continues to claim that the government he says to work for tries to get peace for 30 years. Well it's gonna take a other 30/60/90/900 years if you have an military group in the backyard, commiting atrocities, draining soceity.
And that is one of the problems, they only point to others while they really could do with looking at themselves.

As a side note there was a storm not so long ago about BBC presentors saying whatever their opinion was on social media, wasn't allowed and such, but a labour banner on the background is ok?.

It may just be my idiot powers of comprehension but did she just suggest that the killing of Palestinian kids was, if not justified exactly then excused, minimised maybe by the killing of Israeli kids? It's not algebra, they don't cancel out.

I think people could do with taking lessons about antisemitism and how it relates to Jewish people and the state of Israel, and applying it to other populations as well.
I don't get that out of the fragment you posted, she clearly wanted the steer the conversation in a certain direction, in which she failed and then used those children as a last desperate attempt.
I would have questioned him more about the exact role of the p&o and why they allow Hamas to cause terror because that would have left holes in his defense. which now comes more down to ''but they use these powerfull rockets and we only have lunatics on motercycles, it's no fair'' and it is indeed no fair, to all those Isreali and paletines caught up in this shitshow. i'm sure many of them just want to do their daily errants have an happy life instead of this terror every so much years.


Well-Known Member
So humans are not seen as humans there we’ve agreed. Only evil sees humans that way. So who ever is in charge seems very evil to me. It’s the end of 2023 yet look how barbaric their behaviour is. Explain that one. Ohhh humans just love to have war for resources answer doesn’t cut it anymore. Some powerful Jack arses are pushing for this type of thing. Enjoy your virtue signalling.
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