FFS, Rusty. Get off the fucking fence for once I your life.
Whichever side I jump on will be populated by the predictably and performatively outraged, many of whom choose to be more outraged by the actions of Israel than they are, say, of Russia in Ukraine.
This whole conflict is the responsibility of Israel who have been getting away with murder for years supported by the US.
This rapid escalation has been caused by the murderous actions of Hamas who calculated that there would have to be a violent reaction from Israel, knowing and not caring that civilians would be killed, and probably hoping other Arab nations would become involved. Whether they knew it would be this violent is a moot point.
Of course Israel are beyond wrong for their destruction of Gaza and the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians, who themselves are cowed by Hamas, and there should be an immediate ceasefire. The UN should do more, including sending in a peacekeeping force, but of course they will not because Israel will object and the big players will veto it. The UN has always been useless over Israel as they have over many other matters because of these vetoes.
I will not join in the automated chorus of criticism from the terraces of just one side because there is so much to despise about Israel and Hamas and very little to like. The violence of Hamas is a direct result of the violence of Israel, which explains but doesn't excuse it.
I am bemused that criticism of Hamas is being labelled islamaphobic, even on this forum, while, of course, anti-semitism forms no part of the criticism of Israel. There has been a huge increase in anti-semitic abuse (against Jews not Israelis) and an increase in islamaphobic abuse (against Muslims not Palestinians) since this recent escalation of violence in the UK so of course there is an anti-semitic/islamaphobic element to the whole shitshow.