Elder Goth
This gives the impression that to love his religion he has to be anti-Israel.
Do your own reading, form your own opinions. He's mentioned in Galatians or something, probably.
This gives the impression that to love his religion he has to be anti-Israel.
See yon "Imam of Peace" fella, Mohamad Tawhidi? He's a pro-Israel fella, who seems to really hate his own religion. Must be hard.
A reuters article asking protestors if they ''feel'' opressed doesn't really say a lot. It say some protest where refused but nothing about if it where for example 5 out of 10 protest refused what the (criminal)backgrounds of the organizers of those protest where and so further and so forth and also not unimportant it also doesn't state if the refusal rate is higher than with similar protest.Most.
Yes they don't get it, that people who are muslim can think for themselves, decide for themselves and don't always join the Left Jews bad vibe. they have to call it all kind of names just to explain it for themselves.This gives the impression that to love his religion he has to be anti-Israel.
how do you call ''Mosab Hassan Yousef
No that is what you are if you start making excuses to explain why an muslim doesn't hate jews. That the front and the start of it, and you known it.If you think that creating a Twitter handle called @imamofpeace makes someone either a credible authority on Islam or a man of peace, you are either very stupid, or an obvious ethno-nationalist looking for an approved Muslim to validate your loathsome politics, or both.
he calls people like you usefull idiots for hamas. Sounds accurate, you have blood on you hands.A nark.
he calls people like you usefull idiots for hamas. Sounds accurate, you have blood on you hands.
No that is what you are if you start making excuses to explain why an muslim doesn't hate jews. That the front and the start of it, and you known it.
you have a racist image on what a good muslim should do in you mind and that's why you are so against a muslim with a other opinion.
he calls people like you usefull idiots for hamas. Sounds accurate, you have blood on you hands.
I don't know why, but I imagine you sitting on the bog furiously stabbing your phone with your forefinger.Are you saying from your comfortable sofa that he is wrong?
I don't know why, but I imagine you sitting on the bog furiously stabbing your phone with your forefinger.
he calls people like you usefull idiots for hamas. Sounds accurate, you have blood on you hands.
LOL. His Twitter followers are about 80% Hindu nationalist and most of the rest are alt-right.
Hmmm....if most of somebody's followers are Hindu nationalists, you probably need to ask why