Israel / Palestine

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So you're clumping all Palestinians along with Hamas? Not all Palestinians are Hamas supporters. Hamas is not ISIS.

The reason Egypt, and Jordan, will not allow Palestinians in is that they do not want to be involved in ethnic cleansing, which is exactly what the apartheid regime of Israel want. King Abdullah of Jordan said so a few weeks ago, who I quoted but you seemed to have missed that. This is nothing to do with trust, everything to do with ethnic cleansing, a crime under the Geneva Convention.

How the f&ck is a ceasefire murder you muppet?

You're getting desperate now.
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So you're clumping all Palestinians along with Hamas? Not all Palestinians are Hamas supporters. Hamas is not ISIS.
i nowhere claimed that
The reason Egypt, and Jordan, will not allow Palestinians in is that they do not want to be involved in ethnic cleansing, which is exactly what the apartheid regime of Israel want.
Europe didn't want to get involved with Putin's de-nazification (putin's term) of Ukraine either. Yet we sheltered thousand of Ukrainians. So that seems to bit of a strange one. (and yes they supplied and continue to supply weapons to Ukraine but the decision to offer people shelter was made before that)
King Abdullah of Jordan said so a few weeks ago, who I quoted but you seemed to have missed that. This is nothing to do with trust, everything to do with ethnic cleansing, a crime under the Geneva Convention.
yeah i don't remember to be honest so many thing that come past, and also i don't live on this forum i actually work to so yes i could have missed it, but still point above it don't understand how that would prevent them from taking in refugees.

How the f&ck is a ceasefire murder you muppet?

You're getting desperate now.
you could have read but that requires some intelligence, but very simply like i wrote before the longer you wait the more Hamas can prepare, the more rockets then can launch, because let's stay realistic just like always if Israel agree to a ceasefire they are the only ones keeping it. Hamas will just keep on launching rockets (like they do now still too)and alltough most of them are stopped by the air defences, it still makes victims. So a ceasefire because all the lefty palli flag wavers call for it would only result in more deaths, whether it are 500 claimed death because a other hamas and friends misfires on a hospital again or a barrage gets trough air defences and kills someone in Isreal in both ways it results in people kill that potentially wouldn't be killed otherwise so that why a pointless ceacefire would be murder in my view.

I do again say any usefull ceasefire would be something else.

Deleted member 121

So you're clumping all Palestinians along with Hamas? Not all Palestinians are Hamas supporters.

To be fair that appears to be CXRAndy's territory.

At least the Dutchist formulates his own arguments even if much of it is batshït crazy...


Elder Goth
An new attempt to frame him as ''alt'' right, has to be said ''alt'' right is created because the left was calling so many people ''far'' right that is became a meme on itself.
But je-zus you are f-cking bored that you go down that list to come to that conclusion, probably wrong too, but i'm not gonna check it. (i have better things to do) He also did interviews for just about every mainstream media. But that doesn't suit you narrative to mention now does it?

do you really think i care? think again

maybe look in the mirror? Surely isn't me, but they again i really don't care how you would picture me.

You known Terrorist kill fu-ckers like you first right? They actually hate stupid suck ups like you, you just an usefull idiot now but in fact they can wait to blow your sawdust out.

This actually made me laugh.

So you don't know what alt right means, you don't care even though you responded, and now you're claiming insight into the mind of terrorists.

I dunno how many posts you've made on here, and it's taken a while, but you've finally made a joke stick, whether intentionally or not I'll never know, and I doubt you will either.
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Reading twitter it seems we should be more upset because some people think chants of "From the River to the Sea" have a genocidal message, than an actual genocide taking place from the river to the sea.

Deleted member 159

To be fair that appears to be CXRAndy's territory.

You need to re read, I said those, not all. Nuanced, but vital.

The noose is tightening around Hamas now, Israel tactics will win with the least casualties
You need to re read, I said those, not all. Nuanced, but vital.

The noose is tightening around Hamas now, Israel tactics will win with the least casualties

You're joking right?

8500 civilian deaths, 3000 children and that's what you call the least casualities?!

70% of all deaths have been women and chilldren according to the UN.

You're such a tosser.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
So you're clumping all Palestinians along with Hamas? Not all Palestinians are Hamas supporters. Hamas is not ISIS.

The reason Egypt, and Jordan, will not allow Palestinians in is that they do not want to be involved in ethnic cleansing, which is exactly what the apartheid regime of Israel want. King Abdullah of Jordan said so a few weeks ago, who I quoted but you seemed to have missed that. This is nothing to do with trust, everything to do with ethnic cleansing, a crime under the Geneva Convention.

How the f&ck is a ceasefire murder you muppet?

You're getting desperate now.

Would Egypt’s reluctance to open the gates have anything to do with a reluctance to risk the admittance of possible Muslim brotherhood sympathizers, into what is only just a stable situation?


Would Egypt’s reluctance to open the gates have anything to do with a reluctance to risk the admittance of possible Muslim brotherhood sympathizers, into what is only just a stable situation?

There may be several motives, but I suspect that is not the major one. They just don't want to become another Jordan (who have also refused entry). It's more about not facilitating Israeli genocide, as cookiemonster says above.

That said, Egypt is not entirely stable and the Egyptians may have learned from the Lebanese experience of hosting the PLO, who then became a party in Lebanon's civil war prior to being expelled.
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Deleted member 159

Did you see the video I posted where an Israeli tank deliberatly targeted a civilain car?

Is that a justification?

Its war.

The vehicle could have been filled with explosives, who knows. You don't ask questions before engagement.
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