Did you see the video I posted where an Israeli tank deliberatly targeted a civilain car?
Do not feed the Knob
Did you see the video I posted where an Israeli tank deliberatly targeted a civilain car?
@BoldonLad @CXRAndy
I don't think laughing emojis are really appropriate when were talking about potential genocide.
One of the reasons Palestinian self-determination is so important and the cry of 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' has such unifying power in its beautiful simplicity ...
Asked as a former human rights lawyer whether Israel is acting within international law,
If you say so.You are doing that headless chicken thing again, Adam. You've read on the Internet that Keir Starmer was a human rights lawyer and are trying to use it as a stuck with which to beat him.
But did he specialise in international law on war crimes? No. He was a criminal defence barrister specialising in the human rights act wrt criminal prosecutions. Murder trials, unfair convictions, overturning criminal convictions etc. Nothing to do with the various strands of law that government war crimes.
It's the same syndrome as the moronic takes on his LBC interview.
Added to which, Starmer is not speaking in a capacity as an international war crimes lawyer because a)he isn't one and b) he's a party leader and likely next national leader.
You want him to do a Corbyn and just bleat out an ill-thought through response, don't you. Bit like when Corbyn 'liked' the anti-semitic mural.
I known what ''alt right'' means but that doesn't mean it's commonly used in that way, in the socialsphere the lefties used to accuse everyone that didn't agree to being the ''far right'' it became a meme on itself an therefore lost it's credibility so now everyone and his grandmother is called ''alt right'' if they don't agree.This actually made me laugh.
So you don't know what alt right means, you don't care even though you responded, and now you're claiming insight into the mind of terrorists.
I dunno how many posts you've made on here, and it's taken a while, but you've finally made a joke stick, whether intentionally or not I'll never know, and I doubt you will either.
And the UN gets those numbers from terrorist, you known the ones that made up up to 450 deaths in that hospital strike from their own rocket.You're joking right?
8500 civilian deaths, 3000 children and that's what you call the least casualities?!
70% of all deaths have been women and chilldren according to the UN.
Cookiemonster is such a tosser.
@multitool fixed your BS for you.Do known that i am a fu.cking loser with the username ''multitool'' but actually a ''tool' putting it mildly.
Hey @cookiemonster See, It's not the king of Jordan after all, yes he might have said something but ties to muslim brotherhood make much more sense now do they?Good explanation of Egypt's complicated position re Palestine here. Hamas have their origins in the Muslim Brotherhood and there is no incentive for Egypt to want much to do with them.
I known what ''alt right'' means but that doesn't mean it's commonly used in that way, in the socialsphere the lefties used to accuse everyone that didn't agree to being the ''far right'' it became a meme on itself an therefore lost it's credibility so now everyone and his grandmother is called ''alt right'' if they don't agree.
Nothing to do with insights into terrorist minds that's something you made up.
And the UN gets those numbers from terrorist, you known the ones that made up up to 450 deaths in that hospital strike from their own rocket.
He also hasn't specialised in being prime minister.But did he specialise in international law on war crimes? No. He was a criminal defence barrister specialising in the human rights act wrt criminal prosecutions.
Oh you had to dig up multiple responses together to come that that conclusion. I have to disappoint you you see terrorist are here longer then today and they publicize a lot too including , the usefull idiot thing was latterly in Dabiq Isis english language recruitment folder."You known Terrorist kill fu-ckers like you first right? They actually hate stupid suck ups like you, you just an usefull idiot now but in fact they can wait to blow your sawdust out."
Literally your words, about who terrorists want to kill first and how they hate. So no, not something I made up at all.
He also hasn't specialised in being prime minister.
His apparent inability to express an opinion on any subject outwith his specialism does not inspire confidence in 'the next PM.'