Back to the problematic notion of "ceasefire".
It strikes me that people are viewing this as a zero-sum game, as if there are only two opposing options: no reaction and no self-defence versus obliterating Gaza. In some ways it is correct because Israel has long had a doctrine of 'disproportionality', whereby they will extract a price in blood many, many times higher than the one they paid. Hamas, of course, know this and are willingly sacrificing their own people to try and shore up their own declining power, and take over the PLO, which is what this is all about.
But the problem is that there are hostages still in Gaza and Hamas are still attacking Israel. Despite all the underlying reasons for the conflict Israel has to respond. It cannot sit in its hands and we cannot expect it to. That isn't to absolve Israel in any way for its own human rights abuses over decades, it's apartheid state, it's institutional racism, and it's probable war crimes.
At the moment neither faction wants a ceasefire. Hamas is hoping that Hezbollah will join in, and I suspect promises were made that it would. It seems unlikely that Hamas planned this without regional consultation. On whose ears are the calls for ceasefire to fall? Because neither side are listening.
This is why foreign governments are not publicly calling for ceasefire, but are calling for 'pause'. They are addressing the underlying issues by calling for a "two state solution".
They won't get either of these because Hamas and Nethanyahu are two cheeks of the same arse, and the current horror has arisen because both sides are extremists. They need each other. Hamas needs Nethanyahu's extremism to justify its own. Nethanyahu needs this war to keep himself out of prison.