Israel / Palestine

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Deleted member 159

Just spent a fortune for a night sky show

I could of got for free :laugh:


You know the world has changed for the worse when even C.C’ers support this while multifool craps all over the thread.

Oh, I'm sorry. Please give me another chance. I'll try and post something really incisive. Right, here it comes. Ready?

"Hi, I’d just like to point out that Isreal have been playing the victims for a long time now. They were under genocide from the Nazis so should know better. What they’re doing inside Gaza is genocide yet we in the West are meant to be supporting this? Disgusting."

Will that do?
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Deleted member 49

Another interesting piece from that site, which by the way claims (correctly as far as I can tell) to be "JEWISH. INDEPENDENT. NONPROFIT", about the kind of murder of a Palestinian which seems to be a frequent occurrence in the illegally occupied West Bank. The murderer, who has allegedly been arrested (very unusual) is said to be an off-duty soldier, so it's most unlikely that justice will be seen to be done.

The world needs more people like Robby Berman, and more publicity for cases like this one.
Followed these for years,they do some fantastic work in uncovering evidence of crimes not just in Palestine.

Deleted member 49

Obviously it's really weird that in a thread about Israel you are obsessing about the words of somebody who leads a minority party, and not ever mentioning the words of the actual leader of the country.
I'd like to think that a future leader of this country, especially a Labour one would have a bit more of a moral compass.Starmer trying to convince us that humanitarian pauses are the answer,what's his position going to be as soon as Biden and Sunak change theirs ? It's impossible to watch this horror and not be disgusted by our western leaders,some of the most shameful positioning I've ever seen.


I'd like to think that a future leader of this country, especially a Labour one would have a bit more of a moral compass.Starmer trying to convince us that humanitarian pauses are the answer,what's his position going to be as soon as Biden and Sunak change theirs ? It's impossible to watch this horror and not be disgusted by our western leaders,some of the most shameful positioning I've ever seen.

"Rent free". Isn't that your usual retort?

I'm surprised you don't understand the "red lines" thing and why he didn't answer it. He would be setting a trap for himself that he doesn't need to set.

Deleted member 159

Gaza Lineker at it again. He's safe whilst he stays in London.
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