All a shame. Mandatory voting might be safer for democracy.
I noticed Ben Houchen for relelected as Tory mayor. Unsurprising.
It did no harm to have massive billboards near the old Redcar British Steelworks proclaiming investment successes.
The Keith Houchen connection did no harm either, and likely what got him into prominence.
And the full skinny is of course here:-I saw the poster cycling to Saltburn, just a couple of days ago. Here is some more stuff with that scrap connection.
Must be the steelworks then. I only got thinking about it a few miles after cycling past. The poster was ginormous, it celebrating I think 'billion in Teeside investment for a capture/lowering process'.
Most news about him passed me by, as it did for his voters.
All a shame. Mandatory voting might be safer for democracy.
How on Earth is mandatory voting at all democratic?
You can ask that about dozens of things. Much of life is mandatory.How on Earth is mandatory voting at all democratic?
I dunno, it could prove the veracity of this silent majority which is often mentioned on here.
Current citer of "the silent majority" is AndyCRX.
I think the political party with whom his views are most aligned is Reform.
They have won zero seats.