There are as you say one or two posters who sling insults around and while it doesn't really add anything to the discussion beyond being a means of subjectively assessing a person's character and potential motivations and the like, it's fairly easy to let go. It is unfortunately to be expected on an unmoderated forum.
However, what's been happening recently is I think a real test of the forum community's ability to self moderate which we appear to be failing. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of responding to extreme provocation which seems to have no real goal to it. The relentless rate of it is something that's more difficult to brush off than the occasional remark that we previously had. The cynical might suggest it's a deliberate attempt to get this forum closed down, for what reason beyond the lulz I don't know and I'm not even convinced that's the aim. It's either really clever or really stupid, I'll let us all individually decide which we think it is. It would be nice if we could deal with it, make the best of the situation as it were, within the unmoderated structure of the forum but I don't know if that's possible the way things are going.
As an example, this very thread has lain dormant for the best part of a year, but here I am replying to it...