Normal Island

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Opposable thumbs

I once knew a bloke with five fingers on each hand and no thumbs...


The rather boring answer is that we were teenagers so it was all normal teenage stuff.
Oh c'mon Jim, you could at least have spent a little bit of time fabricating something amusing for us

👌🏼- or not in this case


Well-Known Member

Going back to Prime Drink. This isn't really the thread for this post, but seeing as there were posts about Prime...

One of the backers, Logan Paul appears to be in a bit of bother. As a bit of background, Logan Paul is a YouTube influencer / celebrity with around 23M subscribers He got in a bit of bother a number of years ago by visiting Aokigahara forest in Japan and filming a dead body. This forest is known as "suicide forest" due its reputation for people visiting to end their lives.

So far, so sleazy. Big backlash, some sponsorship deals lost. Logan Paul said he was really sorry, would try better, etc.

Now, he is embroiled in a failed crypto project / "game" / coin called CryptoZoo. Which involved crypto, blockchain and NFT animals. I don't have the energy to describe the project, except to say imagine the most moronic concept involving these things and you won't even be close. Anyway, the 2021/22 world of crypto is awash with scams as the crypto exchange rates soared and easy money was thought to be available. The whole Cryptozoo scheme fell apart and Logan Paul went very silent on it whilst fans lost their money. Some of the "founders" seemed to have made a lot of money and it seems from reports that the whole group who dreamed up this scheme were looking for the payout from the get-go judging by the way the launch was structured. Logan Paul - the face of the project to the fans, managed to oversee a development where the Crypto advisor seems to have been running his own pump-and-dump on the project, the software manager was shady as f*ck and the lead developer was a convicted criminal who held the code to ransom.

All this seems just a mixture of unseemly greed, contempt for the fanbase, and weapons-grade incompetence. Except that the Crypto advisor seems to have pocketed somewhere in the region of $6M and the shady software manager seems to have pocketed $1.5M. This isn't chump change, there is some serious money being skimmed here.

Anyway, Logan Paul has released a video saying he will sue the YouTuber who investigated CryptoZoo (CoffeeZilla) and been on a podcast with his chums throwing him some softball questions where he avoids mentioning that people lost money and instead complains about how he was duped by the team he presumably had a hand in assembling and lost money himself (he didn't dump any of his stock).

The whole Crypto / Influencer scene has been a dumpster fire in the last couple of years, with winners seeming to be influencers and scammers, who are sometimes the same person. And we aren't talking about small amounts here. This is millions of USD.
It's easy to say 'Crypto was an obvious scam, it was bound to collapse' but you had people like Tom Brady and Jimmy Fallon endorsing it and influencers bigging it up 24/7, encouraging small investors to pile in. There are going to be thousands of people who have lost their life savings and as you say others who will have cashed in on the lies and made millions. It's heart-breaking really.
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