So you are criticising
@mudsticks for looking after her staff. I thought you said you were a labour supporter? You really ought to check in the mirror. Shafting your workforce is traditionally the preserve of the Conservative party and capitalism.
You do realise that farmers need landrovers and big tractors in order to be farmers? I've come across tradesmen who have expensive power tools - it's not because they are showing off. Similarly I work on powerful data servers - because that's where the data is, not because I want a big powerful server for the sake of it.
I imagine that whatever job you do, you have the tools to do it with?
As it happens I do have two tractors, relatively small by modern day standards
Paid for upfront, as I hate being in debt.
A lot of farmers are chasing their indebted tails, or else use the services of contractors , who mostly own all that glossy big kit
Even they are hard up against it with rising interest rates and price of fuel .
But commodity buyers drive farm returns ever downwards, and multiples and intermediaries take most of the profit.
People working in the food system at all levels from primary producer up to factory workers mcDonalds staff and the rest are some of the lowest, and most insecurely paid in the country.
It does seem curious that someone claiming to be a labour voter gets so uppity at my wanting to do the best I can by the people who work for me, and other workers in the food system.
Or be offended that I dare speak about some of the other stuff I do with other organisations to help the bigger picture in other ways .
I should just go sit in a corner and shut up about it all, I guess, that would be better right?? .
Wonder why they want me to do that??
If someone came on here and said they were an TSSA rep , they'd rubbish that as 'virtue signalling' too, I s'pose .
No wonder 'the left' can't get it together, if they as individuals are so busy rubbishing each others efforts..