Oh no!! Brexit not going quite as well as hoped

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Epic Member
There's a dynamic too it though in that people's attitudes can change according to external factors such as the economy.

Would Leave have won pre-2008? I suspect not.

(and yes, this links to your point about the relationship between Leave voting and poverty)

Rusty Nails

Country Member
"framing the division as mainly a tug of war between richer and poorer citizens is a distortion of reality"

last para.

I was talking about differences in regions/constituencies/demographic groups as described in the bodies of the summary article and the detailed reports referred to, and not battles between citizens as described in that last para.

Point scoring arguments about our views of the report are a waste of time. The report(s) and statistics are there for anyone who is interested to see and make their own minds up.


Strangely enough even nice people can be conservative. To my mind that does not as much mean intolerant to change as looking before they leap.
I have always felt we are as tolerant and welcoming as most countries, and more so than some.
Like other countries, including those in the EU, we have xenophobia, racism and nationalism but the "success" of the Brexit campaign showed they were more effective at appealing to those elements than the Remain were in appealing to what I believe is the silent majority. It may have been complacency on the part of the Remain camp and if so was a huge mistake.

You're on an 'assumptions' roll today Rusty.

That I think small c conservative people can't be 'nice'
And earlier that

"You say "yeah I know" as if you don't really believe it."

Not sure what that's all about 🤔

I don't see how the 'remain' campaign were supposed to counter the 'leavers' appeal to xenophobia, especially as no one would really have admitted to running a xenophobic campaign in the first place.

As has been said before ,'Not everyone who voted brexit was a xenophobe..But pretty much every xenophobe voted for brexit'.

And then a lot of people who voted for brexit' don't seem to be able to give a cogent answer as to why they did it.
Stuff like 'a protest vote' about a thing they can't even remember.. Or putting two fingers up to the metropolitan elite'..
Whoever they are..🙄

Campaigning against such unspecified nebulous 'reasoning' would be like trying to fight a poorly set milky blancmange with, a piece of cooked spaghetti..

It was a dumb thing to have a referendum about, given that people were so poorly informed as to what the EU does, and didn't seem much interested in educating themselves on the facts.

So now we're all 'worse off' - brilliant !!

Oh well my turn to cook.

Best go prepare some of them filthy greens.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
There's a dynamic too it though in that people's attitudes can change according to external factors such as the economy.

Would Leave have won pre-2008? I suspect not.

(and yes, this links to your point about the relationship between Leave voting and poverty)

Yes people's attitudes change according to their experience and feelings of well-being.
I believe people's attitudes to people of different nationalities and races have changed for the better over the year as numbers of immigrants have increased and more people have experienced living and working with them, and even via increased foreign travel, rather than any basic change in morality.

Sadly there has been an effort by some politicians such as Farage and right-wing stirrers to persuade many of the disaffected groups that immigrants contribute disproprtionately to their problems, rather than helping the economy.


.. risotto in case anyone was wondering..



The only thing that I cook better than my wife can.

At least that's what she says, but I think it's part of a cunning plan.
So long as the plan works 👌🏼

This one was pretty tasty..
Lots of rooty veg in it, and toasted cashews on top.
With a side of garlicky cavello nero. 🌱🌱🌱


Senior Member
The only dressing he likes is soy sauce on rice. He won't even have pasta with sauce on, he only eats it plain. He also likes plain dry cereal and dry oats. He'll eat the butter off a scone without touching the scone itself, and the icing off a cake without eating the cake. Weirdo.

You can give them children’s multivitamins in the form of a round chewy sweet. Worth a couple of quid a month.
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