Well, as predicted, not just for myself.......
Hmmmm - finally managed to book my cycling holiday to the Netherlands with a P&O Hull - Rotterdam crossing yesterday. Can't afford to cancel it unfortunately.
This is the reality 👆 Barely anyone will be cancelling their plans in solidarity for the 800 workers who have lost their jobs. It is sad, done harshly and unfairly, but not illegally. All the people effected have my sympathy.
I thought we had move on from this sort of thinking.
That companies should obey the law, no, I think we probably all want them to do that don't we?
What next, immigrant children up the chimneys? After all no one really gives a toss about immigrants up a chimney.
Yep, that is the next logical step isn't it? I just wonder if we will get to this before or after companies start testing cosmetics on people from council estates?
That sort of thing is just nonsensical hyperbole. Are you going to tell us all now, on here, that you will no longer use P&O for any travel plans and use nothing connected with DP World (the parent company)?
The country voted for this....it's just buisness 🙄
I seem to remember you being in favour of a free market for labour being opened up? Here we have it. Workers from overseas bringing their skills to industries in the UK, it seems to me to be exactly what 48% of the country did indeed vote for. What is the problem, why are you suddenly so keen on keeping jobs for British workers protected?