Well, to spell out the obvious that is implicit in your post, in some people's eyes, it won't be just the same, though, will it. Because in some people's eyes, I suspect Thor is a white god. Neptune may be a bit dodgy, what with possibly being from an EU country and all that, but he's probably still basically white. Whereas Xipe Totec is almost certainly dark skinned, with a name like that. That means he's probably an immigrant to boot (because some people assume that anyone with a dark skin and in a vaguely exotic profession must be an immigrant, right...) So I think it is right and proper (in some people's eyes) that Xipe Totec should immediately be subject to a hostile environment.It's the name of the Aztec god of spring, mate. Just the same as if someone's posting name was Thor or Neptune.
Plus, when presented with evidence of our own ignorance, some people think, great, a chance to learn something new, and other people get all defensive and look for reasons to justify why the knowledge in question is irrelevant.