I have very little optimism that the things you mention can be cured quickly. But I just want to see a party in government who at least try to make a difference for the general population.
Like most people here I have never seen a Labour government during my 10 years as a member of this forum.
I like to think I will call out any hypocrisy and sleaze which ever team is in government.
I get the impression that the left are far harder on their leaders than the right.
Thing is if your attitude to life is -
'Im alright Jack'
'Its every man for himself, and let the devil take the hindmost'
Then when your 'leaders' enact that strategy you'll not be disappointed, in either their personal and political behaviour..
In fact you'll probs applaud it.
If however you've got these lefty ideas of political progress, promotion of equality, and taking care of those less able to fend for themselves, then your standards regarding governance will be a little more exacting.
And the 'how do we best do that?' discussions, will lead to some conflicts.
I can see why rightwing politics is appealing to some folk..
Makes life so much 'simpler'.
Only trouble is where it leads us to, and that's pretty appalling .