We all like value for money but I'm wary of demanding too much in the way of 'efficiency'. A bureaucracy the size of a government department is always going to have inefficiencies and there will always be waste, that's a fact of life. The NHS is always going to lose money, it's in the nature of the service. The term 'efficiency' is a euphemism being used in order to encourage privatisation of essential public services with the myth that private companies can wave some sort of magic wand and increase 'efficiency' just like that. It's a dirty lie and a con trick and recent history should leave us in no doubt about it.
Just have a think about who our 'minister for government efficiency' is and what his motives might be. That really should tell us all we need to know about that term.
I'm going to disagree about efficiency.
I work in blue-chip multi-national corporate. We think that as a lean-mean money-making machine we are super lean and efficient.
I've just been part of a low-level/ground-up 'simplification' project which readily identified vast areas of costly inneficiencies. In our case it only affects corporate profits and wastes our time. In the public sector efficiency savings makes money available for important life-changing stuff.
The problem is that top-down 'efficiency saving' programs have become a euphemism for cost-cutting.
Public organisations should strive for the efficient use of public funds...that is NOT cost-cutting, it's saving that extra life....