Mrs B cooks quorn "roast" in a bag
No offence to Mrs B, but this isn't really selling the idea.
Mrs B cooks quorn "roast" in a bag, as per instructions on the box. So I'd follow Salty's advice. The downside is the lack of opportunity to season to your taste.
Serve with Nick Drake as background music.
I met some Muscovy ducks the other day.
Their plumage looked like bark!
I voted for the last option too..I voted for the last option, but only joking... ish.
Let's hope no one is liable for the bill..Looking on the bright side, at least if you make a mistake you won't have cooked your goose.
Where the duck are the giblets?
You might eat them in your country, sweetheart. But we don’t here. I don’t want to eat an intestine, or a duck heart on a mini muffin! It’s like some sort of voodoo canope!
(Apologies to Steve Coogan)