Reading around the chip
If i was shaun, id shut the forum down just for this thread alone…..its an embarrassment
Perfectly normal reaction to a thread about dinner!
If i was shaun, id shut the forum down just for this thread alone…..its an embarrassment
Not sure about current human rights assessments TBH, but it wasn't long ago they were caught using suppliers in Turkey who paid Syrian refugee women about 30p an hour to produce Comic Relief t-shirts raising awareness about, er, the gender pay gap. They used to pop up a fair bit in BDS lists for selling settlement products labelled as Produce of Israel, but IIRC they either changed the labelling or stopped selling the goods. My observation on the yellow-stickering ground is that their poncey ready-made bollocks generates single-use plastics in ludicrous volumes.
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Yet you bought a roast in the plastic bag duck………could have just bought a duck and used a roasting tin, rather than the single use plastic bag ffs
If i was shaun, id shut the forum down just for this thread alone…..its an embarrassment
I bought the duck cos it was reduced to £4.80, you muppet.
In a single use plastic bag……even though you just condemned the same single use plastic products by M&S….double standards at play.
Yes. Yes, you are. Is there anything you don't get angry and aggressive about?
Yes. Yes, you are. Is there anything you don't get angry and aggressive about?
No ones angry or aggressive…..can you read a thread withoit assuming someone is angry
I'll help you out a little, cos I'm on a good mood on account of having a roast dinner in the pipeline. Perhaps I should not be buying a duck at all. But, if you're going to buy a duck, and farmed one at that, from a supermarket, it's not entirely unreasonable for it to be wrapped in a single layer of film, as opposed to dripping blood all over the shelves, the checkout, and the spuds in your bag. Cutting a couple of bits of cheese on toast into 10 mini-rounds, arranging them in a spacious raked tray, and charging nearly six quid is a horse of a different colour.
LOL you are actually having a meltdown because I started a thread about my dinner.
no diffference at all…..its still single use plastic whatever way you want to spin it
My dog brought up better…….
Sorry I'm hard but fair....must try harder !I an over-easy kinda gal. Hate a snotty egg. There's not much you can do for the visuals of refried beans, TBH. On their own they look a bit like a cowpat.
How do you expect a supermarket to present raw meat?