Runners and riders for the Tory Party leadership...

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Über Member
Not watching. England v Norn Iron was the better option. But yes, it's an internal affair so on the negative side, it's an abuse of the notion of representation. On the positive side, more people get a chance to the chancers and might choose better at the next election.

Oh, I’m not watching either. I’d no idea such a thing was happening but noticed a tweet that mentioned it and thought WTF?


Über Member
Ha. He was just scratching his head...
That was very nicely done wasn’t it, like the old going to shake hands trick.


Über Member
I'm watching it on +1. They're all predictably awful. Truss has dressed up as Thatcher, Tugendhat has been amusingly spiky, Sunak smarmy, Mordaunt merde, and Badenoch more than bad enough to be Tory leader.

I’d like to avoid criticising peoples appearances but from the clips I’ve seen I have to say Truss looked dreadful, plastic and fake looking, it was really odd, as for the voice and the delivery…


Über Member
Oh, I’m not watching either. I’d no idea such a thing was happening but noticed a tweet that mentioned it and thought WTF?

This tweet is a fair comment.


There's nothing for any English people left of the rich far right either. But because it was televised, it sounds like they had to be a little more aware of the general public. So more people will have heard their lies.


Über Member
Except she can't even tie a bow properly. With that and the hair she looks like someone left Thatcher out in the rain overnight.
It must be a Limp Truss bow.
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