Runners and riders for the Tory Party leadership...

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Have we had this yet?



Über Member
Is it ''Ready4rishission'' or ''in God we Truss?''


Master of the Inane Comment
Not many people at the time knew what Saville was

I noticed the date as well. His cover had unravelled to some extent but the revelations of just how bad he was occurred in 2012.


Reading around the chip
Not many people at the time knew what Saville was

Seems like everyone who worked with or adjacent to him over time had an inkling, TBH, but many found reasons to look the other way, and those that tried to protect victims or blow the whistle found the establishment wagons circled around him. I agree that a passing RIP tweet doesn't make her personally culpable, and there's enough to despise about Truss without it, but British media and political establishment culpability is real, and let's not forget that Truss is attempting to model her image on Thatcher.
I agree with you for once. There's enough to go at with all the candidates without digging up a fairly innocuous RIP Twitter post to suggest guilt by association.

Deleted member 49

Dale is right about the Mail.
Where he falls down is in failing to acknowledge all the stuff written about Kinnock, Milliband and Corbyn.
But that’s because he’s an ex Tory candidate.
Selective memory....can't stand the bloke to be honest.
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