Is it though? Famously Hitler won 35% of the vote in a democratic election.The electorate that votes for a neo Nazi party is thick, stupid and most definitely gullible.
Is it though? Famously Hitler won 35% of the vote in a democratic election.The electorate that votes for a neo Nazi party is thick, stupid and most definitely gullible.
Is it though? Famously Hitler won 35% of the vote in a democratic election.
Fascism, neo nazism, far right politics appeals to the worst people in society. It gives simple answers to complex problems and seeks to divide society and make enemies of people who are friends, neighbours, work colleagues and citizens.
Not very much. Putin gets a large percentage of the vote in his elections. It's the earlier vote that is more telling, as it shows that Hitler was able to drum up popularity and get a significant number of the population on side. By 1933 he had taken control and it was more "vote for me or else".He won 50% of the vote in 1933 when there was only 1 party to vote for.
What does that tell you about the 50% who voted for him?
You could say the same about hard left Socialism.
Not very much. Putin gets a large percentage of the vote in his elections. It's the earlier vote that is more telling, as it shows that Hitler was able to drum up popularity and get a significant number of the population on side. By 1933 he had taken control and it was more "vote for me or else".
You missed one out.Therefore you would have to be racist, stupid or gullible (or a combination of all 3) to even consider voting for a neo nazi party.
Thanks for that, Captian bleedin obvious.You missed one out.
All of the above possibly, but also you could see your life changing and someone offering what is a solution to that change. The Nazis in the 30s did not get in to power by calling people thick, stupid and gullible, they pointed out the ills of society that had changed peoples lives, and that other people were calling them thick, stupid and gullible, then neatly stepped in with a solution.
Easy as that, you let the the others do the heavy lifting for you. Just like @Hitchington is demonstrating now.
Thanks for that, Captian bleedin obvious.
And I'm touchedthat you think that every single voter in the world will be reading my posts and think "I musts vote for a fascist far right party because Hitchington called me stupid/racist/gullible"
Get a grip Craig.
But there are lots of people calling the voters in Sweden 'thick, stupid and gullible', not just you, but you are one of them.
Abusing voters is not the way to win people over to your view point, I am amazed that so many on the left seem to think it is.
**Oh, why have you edited your post I am quoting?
I am not engaging with or trying to "win over any one" from Sweden who voted for the neo Nazis. My posts are just my opinion read by a dozen or so NACA members.
I'm not sure why you think I'm editing quotes?
I am not engaging with or trying to "win over any one" from Sweden who voted for the neo Nazis. My posts are just my opinion read by a dozen or so NACA members.
And I'm touchedthat you think that every single voter in the world will be reading my posts and think "I musts vote for a fascist far right party because Hitchington called me stupid/racist/gullible"
I get that you are not important enough to be viewed or taken seriously by a wider worldwide audience.
But it is also how you talk about voters in the UK.