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I see you've not met Adam.

Thankfully not. But, unfortunately I get to read his posts.


Elder Goth
Like @Rusty Nails I prefer to glide around in graceful elegance, my beard and robe flowing freely. Until my robe gets tangled in the chain and I crash into the font.

It's what Jesus would have wanted. I read it in Proverbs.

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
Shame Henry the 8th revamped so many of the English ones with the equivalent of two coats of magnolia emulsion.
Could have been worse, he burnt down the Scottish ones.


Legendary Member
As long as you didn't have to sing psalms. That would have been a price too high to pay

I even quite enjoy singing those. It beats reading the things (or having to listen to them). It helps that my sight reading is at ninja level.

Ian H

Legendary Member
For primary I had to go and visit a Priest with my partner.We put 50 quid in a envelope,son wasn't christened so the priest would push it forward for 50 quid....I think I might of promised to go to church but that never happened,oh the guilt!
It worked anyway 😁
It was the sale of indulgences that led to the Reformation. And still it goes on (in modified form).

Deleted member 49

It was the sale of indulgences that led to the Reformation. And still it goes on (in modified form).y
Wealth is good....poor is bad.Fascinating stuff,one of my partners students was doing some art to do with Luther.

It now extends to having "too shiny shoes", and also going to the toilet without permission, despite having a toilet pass based on medical grounds.
I do symathise with this bit, as my partner's son had a "time-out" pass due to his autism so he could leave when things got too much or too noisy. He was reprimanded for leaving because the teacher didn't want to listen or wait to see his pass. Then instead of apologising, claimed she "didn't know". Wherever you find adults, you'll always find one on a power trip!
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It now extends to having "too shiny shoes", and also going to the toilet without permission, despite having a toilet pass based on medical grounds.
I do symathise with this bit, as my partner's son had a "time-out" pass due to his autism so he could leave when things got too much or too noisy. He was reprimanded for leaving because the teacher didn't want to listen or wait to see his pass. Then instead of apologising, claimed she "didn't know". Wherever you find adults, you'll always find one on a power trip!


Like I said, at the start of the process you'll get the press readily publishing clickbait storied, and some disgruntled parents ready to provide them.

What you have to bear in mind is that there are many stupid people on the planet and some of them have children.

What you cannot see from that clickbait story is what actually happened versus the child's manicured version of it, fed to their gullible parents who think their child can do no wrong. Nor can you see why the school is applying those rules and what the intended outcome is.

Doubtless those last points will have been communicated to patents via emailed letters, written letters and parents meetings. But as I said, some stupid people have kids.
To be fair, I sang in the church choir as it was less dull that way. I quite like singing hymns.

I loved my time as a full-time Cathedral Chorister - still love singing hymns and other devotional music. Can now go there and listen to others! I have an LP I sang on, films were made, radio broadcasts - exciting stuff when your 11 years old.
Who wouldn't enjoy performing is such an amazing space with such a mighty organ behind you.... :ohmy:
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