It's interesting that the article suggests that the school goes out of its way to promote the image of being super strict, even militaristic, in character, even if that isn't entirely the case.
The effect of this will be to attract parents who know their children are already quite self-disciplined and motivated. It will also attract parents who share it's ethos and are very supportive of schools with strong discipline, who will back the school in implementing their regs. It will deter parents who aren't supportive and who know their kids will rail against strict rules. Who wants to deal with school ringing every week over 'minor' infringements?
So in effect, projecting this image means the school almost becomes a selective one, with parents weeding themselves out, leaving only the highly motivated families to apply. That will be great for results.
There might be a few families who think such a school will sort out their child's challenging behaviour but most won't want the hassle that this will entail.