Reading around the chip
Can't negative experiences sometime have positive outcomes?
Yes but it's not a reason to prescribe negative experiences.
Can't negative experiences sometime have positive outcomes?
Hi Aurora
Yes but it's not a reason to prescribe negative experiences.
Anecdotal (as all personal stories are ofc) but we moved my younger son out of his primary as it had gone totally overboard on the 'correct shade of grey' trouser and micro management of everything the kids did -That’s a long post that doesn’t explain the rationale for school uniform other than suggesting that it magically prevents riotous behaviour and promotes Oxbridge entry.
Maybe it’s a legacy of my own schooling but I’m not a fan of ineffability.
Good luck with that one![]()
Yes but it's not a reason to prescribe negative experiences.
Yeah exactly, boring old self defeating cynicism towards trying to improve anything at all in education, is very much part of the underlying problem imo.
Why should looking smart be viewed as a negative thing?
They even had the bigger kids standing by the door at the end of break pulling up the little kids if their shirts weren't tucked in or whatever
Well, Bolders, I usually do you the credit of assuming that there's some kind of point to what you post, even though you are usually reluctant to say what it is. I made the inference that you were suggesting that something that was experienced by a young person in a negative way was good for them in a way that they necessarily didn't appreciate at the time. There is an alternative reading of the 'it never did me any harm' tendency, of course.
Well there wasn't really much to go on, was there, beyond some cheap throwaway cynicism.You clearly did not understand my post.
It was "cynicism" (well founded todate), but, not cynicism with respect to improving education.
It's tit-for-tat Aurora-ing now, is it? I don't think Bolders mentioned smart clothes - just 'school rules'.
Well there wasn't really much to go on, was there, beyond some cheap throwaway cynicism.
I think all too often lazy cynicism is used as a shorthand for "Can't actually be bothered to think about, or act on anything"
Its corrosive, it tries to imply greater experience, or wisdom, or even 'cleverness' but in truth it usually just dispirits any extra effort, deep thinking, or even hope for improvement.
You're free to do you, of course 👍🏼
But I generally find, that when I'm in that kind of mood - just saying nowt is the preferable option,
Nah you're alright thanks..👍🏼Keep digging, you still have not understood what I was being cynical about.