Moral of the story is don't believe all the garbage you read on here.
Of course the UK is economically attractive, that's why the economic migrants cross several borders and risk their lives crossing the channel to get here.
Asylum seeking has got bugger all to do with it.
If asylum seeking has 'bugger all' to do with it , how come people apply for asylum when they get here, instead of just disappearing off to make all this lovely money that's available to them.?
The majority of asylum claims are accepted eventually, but it's a long and tortuous process, asylum seekers don't have a lovely time at our expense.
They've experienced some awful things already, you'd think some compassion might be in order.
Most would probably prefer to work to support themselves, but that's not allowed..
Not that economic migration, is a bad thing in and of itself.
People working in and contributing to our society, in all the ways they do, is a good thing.
The French Gov are trying to blame shift, just as our Gov does.
Meanwhile our fellow humans suffer, when we could be helping.
Safe routes for asylum seekers could be created, so people don't have to risk their lives in small boats.
We don't take anything like our fair share of displaced people.
Despite having contributed to, and profited from the reasons for that displacement.
But yeah of course, some unpleasant people, despite having had the random luck to have been born in what is still one of the richest countries in the world - made rich from the plundering of other countries - will
still not want to see anyone else, who has not been so 'lucky' being treated with humanity, and understanding.
Meanwhile here are some further ways of gaining greater understanding, and helping too.