I pity you. No, seriously, I genuinely feel sorry for you. If you can forget camaraderie, the rush of a great win (and we've had LOADS), the competitiveness, the loyalty, then what is there?
I was once in a branch of Selfridges and happened to be where they did the TVs and the entire store was transfixed by a young Jamaican runner sprinting down the track to win his second Olympic Gold Medal in the 100 metres. Everyone spontaneously burst out into applause, despite Bolt being thousands of miles away and probably unlikely to hear them.
How do you think YOU got here? You got here because of competitiveness. It runs through your very DNA and is our defining characteristic.
So much (but not all) of sport is focussed on winning at all costs, especially where there's money involved.
Hence doping, and other dodgy practices to gain advantage.
Premiere league football is mainly about who can 'buy' the best players,
It's just become another form of capitalism.
I'd argue that what has 'got us here' is just as much about cooperation and collaboration, and capacity to look after the less able.
Competitiveness isn't particularly our defining characteristic, most animals have that.
Teams or individuals wouldn't get to the top in their various fields without working together.
That's potentially one of the upside of sport, showing the benefit of cooperation..
But then of course, if you don't have the skills or aptitude then you'll not get on
any team if it's all about the winning.. Thems the breaks.
Playing games together just for fun so it doesn't matter how good or bad you are,
can be a joy I agree.
For a few years, a group of us would meet up through the summer once a week to play rounders ..All ages and abilities.
It was really just a way of gathering before the pub, or keeping us out of it for an extra hour and a half maybe 🤔
But commercialised sport is another thing altogether.
Still clearly millions of people are thoroughly absorbed it.
Great to get out on the bike when there's a cup final of some sort on the telly