Rather than derail a thread, I'll start another.
I find sport boring. Football particularly so.
Instead of having school sports days, the schools should have an afternoon of something, anything, that isn't sport.
Sport shouldn't be included at the end of news bulletins as it's a) boring and b) not news.
That's not to say that there aren't interesting aspects of sport. I just can't get worked up about sport itself.
That's my view - what do others think? Come on people, convince me otherwise.
This comes across as very nasty intolerant and dictatorial behaviour. It comes across as because you don't like sport, no one else should be able to enjoy it. I hope that is not how you intended to come across
its fine that you do not like sport, that is your choice.
Why however, you should want to prevent others having the pleasure of taking part in it or hearing about it, is not clear and comes across as dictatorial.
there is nothing in society we all agree on, sousing your logic, no one would be allowed to do anything at school and nothing would be allowed to be on telly.
Live and let live. The TV schedules or school curriculum do not revolve around you or your likes. Learn to live and let live.
I don't agree with Labour policies on many things ( ditto with Tory policies), so should they not be on TV either. I didn't like French at school, so shouldn't allow that. See how pathetic it is.
If you don't enjoy something, that is fine. Its your choice and your right as an adult to hold those views. It is not however your right to dictate or attempt to control what others enjoy or watch
I am hoping your opening post is a badly worded attempt to say you don't like sport and not an attempt to control what others watch or enjoy