No, what got YOU here! You had more competition than you'll ever have in your entire existence but look, you beat millions and millions of others to reach the egg. Competition is imprinted into your DNA code.
Although sport is about much more than the Premier League (but I have good reason to follow it) probably what clipped my ticket was when my mother would come home after shopping on FA Cup final day full of scorn and contempt for all the 'men' who were meekly following their wives in the shops while the nation's biggest sporting event was unfolding on our TVs. Ah, them were the days!
I agree there is an element of competition in most walks of life.
And that can be healthy, inspiring and enjoyable, up to a point..
But a bit like untramelled capitalism, beyond a certain point it becomes
very unhealthy.
Over used resources and exploitation, have massively damaged people and places in all that process of endless competition , with not much consideration for the consequences.
As a yoga teacher I see people in in their later years who have badly damaged their bodies for the longer term by overusing them in the short term pursuit of 'sporting glory'.
We can help and undo some of it but knackered knees and backs etc take a lot of work to even get them reasonably functional again.
Like all these things, there's a balance to be struck.
The overarching drive to win at all, or
any cost isn't something to be encouraged imo, the costs are too high..
My bf does most of the shopping, but then he's not much interested in organised sport either..
Maybe the supposedly 'meek' men didn't like footie neither.. ??
Strange that your mum should have 'poured scorn' on them for spending time with their wives.. Maybe there was a bit more context to it ,than that .,??
*Struck lucky there eh??