Scottish born here but being in England (at the time) I wasn't eligible to vote in the 2014 referendum.
I've said all this before in the old days before The Great Purge, but I'd have voted "no", simply because there really isn't (or wasn't) any significant difference between Scotland and the rest of the UK. We all share the same culture, after all. More to the point, I thought it might encourage an insular attitude, which Salmond in particular voiced ("the best wee country in the world, etc, etc"). I was wrong about that - the Brexit vote showed that Scotland was far more outward looking.
Now it's England that's been captured by insularity - and a (purportedly) national government that bends over backwards to pander to this very vocal minority. So now I'll vote "yes", because the sooner Scotland gets free from the toxic mess Johnson is generating, the better.
PS: you'd be welcome to claim asylum, Mudders. I'm sure you'd be able to cope with the shortness of the growing season (maybe try the warmer microclimate of the Cromarty Firth?). Besides just think of the long, long light evenings in summer. (He says, hoping you don't ask about the Winter Gloom.)
Yes sections of the English populace has indeed displayed great insularity, and much worse of late.
Stoked up by right wing press etc..
Horrible , I hope it shifts soon.
It does none of us any good , and it hasn't always been so..
Don't imagine I haven't come up with many and various strategem for potential Scottish residency.
A series of polycrubs, with wind and solar to extend the season..
Creating deeper soils with seaweed and greenwaste composts and so on .
I could just b*gger off to Spain, Italy or Portugal for the three darkest months..
Who knows.??
Still most likely is stay here and enjoy my Scottish holiday trips for a couple of weeks spring and autumn, just pre and post midge...
Nice to look forward to
I recall you telling us you were mid 40's but also remember the Silver Jubilee clearly so someone is a little mixed up?
Yes and that mixed up someone is you.
I never said such a thing, your recall has been shown to be poor in the past, and here again too..
Probably some Scottish person said it once ..
Or possibly not.
You said in your post when you talked about my age 'Id always imagined you to be in yr mid forties"
Or words to that effect .
Then before you know it - that assumption becomes 'reality' in your head .
You might want to keep an eye on that..
Can end up making an ass of yself..
Too short to grow aubergines so it's not such a bad thing.
It's a very unscientific study I've done, but it certainly seems to be more the male of the species who dislikes aubergine .
I know folks on the Black Isle who do manage aubergines in a good summer though.. So I guess more of sunshine in the east helps 😊🍆🍆🍆🧄