Starmer's vision quest

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Deleted member 49

Sorry Tool I know your easily excited but there's not really that much in there.."Bidenomics on steroids" really ? Refering constantly to Blair doesn't fill me with confidence.
Workers rights ? It's the very least I expect.Might be a idea to support them now,
I mean maybe watch a 5 min news clip of Lynch and you'll see how to support workers.
What's the plan for the bold change to the crisis were facing now..token gestures that won't change much.Things will get worse but at a slower pace.
After breaking every single pledge he was elected on you'll have to excuse my apprehension, But knock yourself out if you think this is in anyway what's needed or progressive.


Did you read the bit about costing and market reaction? You don't seem to have learned the lesson of Truss's budget

Deleted member 49

What has Labour Party funding got to do with costing of government programmes?
Starmers Labour has forgotten who it's meant to represent...I don't think they'll do anything other than relabeled austerity and trickle down bollox.No sign of any redistribution,should be increasing capital gains and wealth taxes.Health,Education ?
But I'm happy it excites you.
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Another attack on democracy by Herr Starmer. :sad:


Deleted member 49

About sums Starmers Labour up....lack of any ideas.🙄
"Asked for comment, Labour didn’t reply – but this is petty, attritional stuff, which is what happens when politics is evacuated of ideas and arguments and becomes simply about who is in whose good books. Cliqueishness is hardly exclusive to Keir Starmer’s Labour, but it is starker now because instead of real politics all this lot have is office politics.
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Deleted member 49

Tried ringing him Tool and it goes straight to answer phone.....Coldplay,Yellow on his answering machine 🙄
There's allways money Tool,you just have to redistribute it differently.Instead what's he offering ? Austerity because of his own fiscal rules, no real radical economic plans or vision and more privatisation of public services.
Progressive taxation,tax the feck out of the super rich,go after there offshore accounts and close loopholes,public ownership and re-nationalisation.Invest in public services....
Help me out here Tool there's massive public support for re-nationalisation and as it stands there's no chance of it happening.?
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