Starmer's vision quest

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Deleted member 49



Legendary Member
Have you not noticed the delicious irony of you demanding to be called by a certain epithet, and yet you would choose to deny that privilege to others, in another thread.
No. I have asked you to stop bullying. You won't. Therefore you are a bully. I have not chosen to deny that privilege to others and look forward to you supplying supporting quotations.
Quite apart from the other point that your demand displays gross exceptionalism, not to say immaturity.
No. A request to stop calling me names is just that. It has nothing to do with maturity. It has to do with your immaturity and the puerile delight you find in the word "cow" and deliberately using it because you know that I don't want you to. As I said. You are a bully.

Deleted member 28

As I said. You are a bully.


If private school does this to you thankfully I avoided it, despite the best efforts of you lefties the world can be a tough place and if having the rise taken out of some made up name you've chosen to adopt on an internet forum offends you then you really are a 'flake.

What sort of work do you do?

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
Apropos of nothing, last week some humourless dullard on Twitter observed that I was "perhaps the most extreme case of arrogance and stupidity" that they'd ever come across.

Flattered as I was, it only takes popping back onto NACA for 5 minutes to throw the inadequacies of my own personal gifts into very sharp relief.

As you were.


No. I have asked you to stop bullying. You won't. Therefore you are a bully. I have not chosen to deny that privilege to others and look forward to you supplying supporting quotations.

No. A request to stop calling me names is just that. It has nothing to do with maturity. It has to do with your immaturity and the puerile delight you find in the word "cow" and deliberately using it because you know that I don't want you to. As I said. You are a bully.

You need to have a word with yourself, son.

Your almost unfathomable prissiness has caused me to like a post by Shep, and he like one of mine. Neither of us will have taken any pleasure in that.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
They do, but they are comparatively rare and usually aim at academic ability based on test scores rather than intellectual ability which is what private schools tend to go by. Tiffin Boys and Tiffin Girls Grammar schools are the nearest to us, but they solely admit based on academic ability in English and Maths. Around 1800 pupils per year compete for 180 places. Public schools tend to have a much broader entry exam and are looking for pupils who will fit their ethos and who are keen to learn, usually assessing pupils in multiple ways - not just maths and English.

I agree that the current system is neither fair nor equitable, but I think that you fix it by improving the state offering such that you reduce the need for Private Schools not by stunting the education of those already there.

Multiple £s rather than multiple ways.

I am not against that. If a parent chooses to spend whatever wealth they have on educating their offspring, that is fine by me. I just prefer a bit of transparency, openness and honesty.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
They do, but they are comparatively rare and usually aim at academic ability based on test scores rather than intellectual ability which is what private schools tend to go by. Tiffin Boys and Tiffin Girls Grammar schools are the nearest to us, but they solely admit based on academic ability in English and Maths. Around 1800 pupils per year compete for 180 places. Public schools tend to have a much broader entry exam and are looking for pupils who will fit their ethos and who are keen to learn, usually assessing pupils in multiple ways - not just maths and English.

I agree that the current system is neither fair nor equitable, but I think that you fix it by improving the state offering such that you reduce the need for Private Schools not by stunting the education of those already there.

My post said "used to have", ie, in the past, so, the fact that they are "comparatively rare" now is hardly a surprise.


We have poor schools with few resources and inadequate teachers. You get good teachers by paying more. You get good schools by investing money in them so that they have equipment and facilities.

Nah. It's more to do with pupil/teacher ratio, and not having to deal with the grinding effects of poverty as part of their job.

Public school teachers are no better than state school teachers and often much worse. They have tiny classes and don't have students who arrive at school in the morning with their stress buckets brimming over because their parents are working 3 jobs, they haven't had a proper meal for days, their clothes don't get washed because they don't have a washing machine, and one of their parents is dead. Oh, and there probably isn't much chance of daddy buying them a pony.

This is what you are isolating yourself from in your little Surrey cul-de-sac. Stop fùcking kidding yourself.

As for giving your daughters "the best start in life", have you ever considered that they would be better served by you not filling them with your pathetic neuroses that you externalise here, blaming all and sundry for your own personal shortcomings rather than pretending that social exclusion is the answer?
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