The big board game of Monopoly is drawing to a close. As the world gets ready to celebrate their first trillionaire, the earth continues her journey towards becoming a planet uninhabitable to humans under increasing threat of drug resistant plague, the genocide of pollinators, and the battle for resources.
Human populations respond by electing madmen to increase spending in preparations for war, while mad politicians seek to withdraw from the formal arrangements that cement peace. Treaties are under threat of being torn up by madmen like Sunak while we allow them the time and space to polish their egos.
Humans acting out of self-interest having lost the instinct for cooperation and survival and curiosity for knowledge will instead cooperate in their own genocide.
We need cooperation to end this madness. In Britain town councils are declaring bankruptcy, and now whole counties like Nottinghamshire too.
If Starmer thinks the revival of Thatcherism is the answer, then he brings the day of reckoning closer.
Bring on the giffs of Fraser saying 'we're doomed', and take the piss out of those that dare exhibit their wisdom. Instead label them as the truly mad. Point to Greta, scorn her and hate her, that will surely be the fix we need.
If we don't cooperate for the continuation of human populations, then we our species will not have long before the suffering begins.
We are in the process of organising a circular firing squad of billions of the human population because the egos of the mad are sacred.