Starmer's vision quest

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Rishi on “special edition” bbc news now. Hasn’t got to the meat yet, ie the GE…. July 4th it is


Reading around the chip

Now that the election has been called, are we allowed to know what Starmer is for? Pat McFadden in the Today program this morning didn't seem to know.

Sir Kid Starver doesn't know so how will anyone else. :rolleyes:


Yes, that was a particular howler, not to mention the dancing around the Diane Abbott situation.

I don't think voters are that concerned about Abbott tbqhwy. She is a pungent reminder of Corbyn and nobody wants to think about that except a rump of Corbynite cultists.

It's unfair, but electoral politics is all about optics.


Having listened to todays Radio 4 interview both 'Stumbling Starmer' and the interviewer missed the point that our electricity bills stayed sky high because the Tories banned cheap onshore whilst investing massively in very expensive offshore wind.

In fairness to Stumbling Starmer, Borish Hilarious Johnson had similarities away from his teleprompter to the point of buffoonery.
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