Bet this is the same situation in the UK
As ever, the point goes sailing over your head. This figure is from a survey carried out by Novus/Bulletin in 2022. The survey was carried out in Swedish and was a sample of 1050 foreign born people. These would therefore be people who have settled in Sweden and have been there long enough that they can understand Swedish. So yes, amongst the group who came as refugees 79% said that they had been on a "holiday" to their home country.
Novus have tried to clear up this misconception:-
The study has recently received renewed media attention, where the target group has in some cases been described in a way that does not correspond to our data. Our panel is a representative sample of the Swedish population, and for the aforementioned study, the target group consisted of foreign-born individuals.
The study surveyed people who immigrated to Sweden for various reasons, often several decades ago. A common statement referring to the study is that the proportion who came to Sweden as refugees and later vacationed in their home country was 79%. What is not clear in the texts is the proportion of foreign-born individuals who moved here for reasons of refuge. Of the foreign-born target group, a total of 18% came to Sweden as refugees. 4% of these came to Sweden between 2010–2022, with the remainder having moved here before then (the study was conducted in 2022).
Novus can conduct studies targeted specifically at, for example, newly arrived refugees, but this was not the target group in this study. This study was aimed at everyone in Sweden who was born abroad.
Of the 1050 respondents, 189 came to Sweden as refugees. Only 7 of them came to Sweden between 2010-2022.
So of the 189 refugee respondents, most of whom had been living in Sweden for more than 12 years, 149 of them had been back to their home country at least once to visit friends or family, presumably because the political situation had changed.
So consider an Iraqi family who fled the Iraq war in say 2008. Over the last 14 years before the survey, the children have finished school and speak Swedish. They have Swedish friends and work in jobs in Sweden. The parents too have jobs, friends and family. However Granny and Grandad are still in Iraq as are cousins / aunties / uncles who weren't killed in the war.
Is it really a huge leap to imagine that they might have taken at least one holiday so that the kids can meet their relatives. Yes, it's probably safe for them to return but the kids don't really speak or write Arabic and they are settled in their new country.
The implication of knee jerk rubbish like this is that refugees are coming for some free hand outs then jumping on the first plane back to tell everyone what a soft touch the new country is.
Try doing some actual reading and research. A quick off the cuff guide for you is that if someone is waving a statistic around like it proves their point about foreigners being bad, it's probably due to their own stupidity in misunderstanding it in the first place. Statistics are not facts.