Seeing as how this seems to be the war thread, here is a summary of where we are as I see it.
The US seems adamant that they will not guarantee any peace deal with muscle. This leaves a huge problem for the Europeans, because without a military insurance the Russians will take the whole of Ukraine. It is, after all, their stated aim.
So, do the Europeans sit tight and hope that taking Ukraine will satiate Putin (unlikely...the Baltic states know very well they are next) and the expansion stops there? Because if they do, the inevitable fight will be in the Baltics, with the Russians pushing through the Sulwaki gap to link up Kaliningrad with Russia via Belarus. This will be very difficult.
Or do they put forces in Ukraine hoping for a deterrent effect but knowing that fighting the Russians will be much easier on Ukrainian soil alongside battle-hardened Ukrainian forces? Because the two possibilities above are the only two.
None of this will be easy because European forces will be without the inter-operability of NATO forces and will be subject to Russian asymmetrical war (eg killing euro soldiers with a drone but denying it was them), whilst simultaneously trying to fracture resolve within countries by promoting divisive far-right views on social media aimed at credulous morons like CXR...
...which they are already doing