A very wise man once said "stay away from people who think your arguing, every time you try to express yourself"
are you quoting my signature from the other place there Rusty????
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A very wise man once said "stay away from people who think your arguing, every time you try to express yourself"
You're Welsh. What business is it of yours?
And fu*cking up the country? Not from what I read and hear.
Im also a UK citizen and not a tax exile......
Maybe you need to look at the crock of shoot the SNP have made of the NHS, Education, raising taxes, Drug deaths rising etc etc etc ....i would vote them out, well before voting YES for independence.
Maybe you need to look at the crock of shoot the SNP have made of the NHS, Education, raising taxes, Drug deaths rising etc etc etc ....i would vote them out, well before voting YES for independence.
You need to stop getting your info from Tory red-tops & BBC 'news'!
Also there's a huge assumption that an independent Scotland would be an SNP Scotland. It wouldn't. The SNP would very quickly need to change if they achieved their actual reason to exist. I think they would re-brand & morph into a moderate left-of-centre party, while the more 'traditional' Scottish Labour & Tory parties would cease to be Westminster branch-offices, and share the former SNP voters who were more aligned to their views.
We'd maintain a PR-based parliament and future Scottish governments would be coalitions, like most other small European nations.
the same bollocks being trotted out again when you dont like something......
I like to think of it as helpful advice to someone who's objectively incorrect, and who's probably taken their information from widely discredited and partisan sources.
But like I said, you do you.![]()
No.1 i dont read red tops and never have
No.2 i dont just watch the bbc, but lots of other political programmes and every pmqs for the past two years or more, i can make my own mind up on the mess the SNP have made of scotland
SNP are a cluster fark of the highest order, need to get their own house in order, before hoisting independence over Scotland
Much the same as yourself, minus the insults and false accusations.the same bollocks being trotted out again when you dont like something......
I'll second that. One of the more excellent things that Scotland did was *not* do do what the UK did under the National Project for IT and split into regions with multiple bids and providers just to make money for management consultants. They procured a single system for the whole of Scotland. Thus if you go into hospital in Edinburgh, a doctor in Glasgow can read your notes if you subsequently end up there. In England we *still* don't have paperless hospitals where medical records can be easily viewed as an entirety.The NHS in Scotland is still the best performing in the UK.
Honestly can't see whats wrong or offensive.
View: https://twitter.com/JackElsom/status/1585249054208167936?t=pxtY-Jx7iNQVhiL_a1Ll2A&s=19
Honestly can't see whats wrong or offensive.
View: https://twitter.com/JackElsom/status/1585249054208167936?t=pxtY-Jx7iNQVhiL_a1Ll2A&s=19