Loving all these fresh new ideas that will totally transform our lives....let's go back to 2010.
More bland shite from Labour.What about better pay for people allowing people to provide a better life for their kids.You know give people some opportunities,community centres.Austerity is anti social.
Yet they choose to go with the same old recycled authoritarian bullshit.Fecking useless
I doubt that the Tories ever counted on your vote, or that the current Labour Party leadership are going to change their tactics to try to gain/retain it, so who are you going to vote for?
Yea so what... 2017 and Corbyn won 12.9m votes with a manifesto which included the nationalisation of energy, water, rail and mail..Green new deal etc...but you know all this.You still choose to be happy with a right wing Labour party and a recycled Tory manifesto,because let's be honest thats about the best your going to get.
That was a huge missed opportunity by Labour against a government run by the hopeless Theresa May, still in a mess with finalising Brexit who still managed to increase their vote to 13.6m votes. Yes, Labour had a large number of votes but not quite enough, and it is easy to see how having Corbyn in charge stopped some people voting Labour.
I know you think the Sun shines out of his ar*e but there are a lot of people who are not so impressed by him and, whether you like it or not, believed the demonisation of him by the media. That was always just one barrier to winning too many.
I don't believe he was any sort of demon, just a poor leader so carried away by his new found party popularity and the chants of "Oh Jeremy Corbyn" that he couldn't see that you need more than just the votes of the usual party supporters plus new members to win a GE.
Sadly the combination of the transient cult and the demonisation led to the next Leader trying too hard to show the Labour Party and the UK electorate that he was a serious, credible leader and not Corbyn.