Big march in London yesterday. Not that you'd know it from coverage in the BBC.
Big march in London yesterday. Not that you'd know it from coverage in the BBC.
Big march in London yesterday. Not that you'd know it from coverage in the BBC.
Yes, I think we've all got the message that the only thing you care about is yourself.
Government attempting to settle pay dispute by dicking about with the pay structure again rather than just paying everybody a bit more I see. It was a con job last time which bamboozled the unions so I hope they haven't fallen for it again.
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I wonder where this is going to leave other NHS staff? Do the nurses have greater negotiating power than other workers? Will their pay be increased at the expense of others'?
^ nob this a waste of time ?Strikes, simply an outdated waste of time by people who should know better.
"A total uplift on basic earnings between 15.2 per cent for the lowest paid grades to 10.3 per cent for the highest paid grades."
And "no compulsory redundancy agreement until January 2025"
Which bits were incorrect, or cause you to think I am a nob? It all looks pretty bloody accurate to me.