You do realise that John Lewis's computers can't talk to Currys? Same principle. Unfortunately the government has decided that citizens data should remain siloed. So your HMRC data is entirely insulated from your health data. Not only that but each Trust is the owner / custodian of their own data. Data sharing agreements have to be brokered with individual Trusts and organisations. NHS Digital is trying to break down some of that - particularly around the sharing of critical health information. Part of the problem is that every time there is an attempt to share data, the news agencies suddenly start reporting it like it's an attack on your civil liberties. That's why Summary Care Record failed.
"How dare they share my private health information!"
Scotland is different. As is Wales. They have both gone for National Systems rather than a complex system of bids and frameworks.
Bollocks. It is called the NHS, last time I looked, the "N" stands for National. I can "log in" to my Amazon account with one click. Logging in to NHS App (say, to order repeat medication), requires Email Address, a password (forgotten the latest "rules", but something like 12 characters minimum, mixture of letters and numbers, uppercase and lower case, and at least one special character). It is pathetic crap.
Recently, Mrs
@BoldonLad required a minor procedure, it was done at a hospital approximately 10 miles from where we live, which belongs ton a different Trust. They would not give Mrs
@BoldonLad access to HER OWN health data, without her filling in a form etc etc.
I am not suggesting that my GP should be able to access my tax records, but, why would it be unreasonable to link data such as Name, Address, residency, so that these details do not have to be submitted time and time again?
Yes, I get that, it is lunacy,
During my working life, I had the miss-fortune to work for at a couple of NHS sites, there were people employed to dream up reasons why data should not be shared. IT is OUR data, WE should have to right to decide if it is shared and with whom.
I was not looking for excuses why it could not be done, there are plenty of those already.