Yep. He also started essentially calling anyone with a disability lazy again. "we will tighten up the pip".
How about changing it, so that if you have a disability that isn't going to get better, you don't need to keep being re-evaluated.
It has been that way for a long long time
My Dad was injusred during the war
spine was severed (low down otherwise I would not exist!!!)
that sort of thing just ain;t going to get better
anyway - every year or so a Ministry of Pension doctor had to come out and examine him to see if he could walk yet
funnily enough he couldn;t - at least - not without leg irons and a stick just since he left hospital in 1947!!!
when the War Pensions were dumped onto Social Security then he had to go a get examined somewhere different
he was not impressed - they asked him loads of dumb question so that he wondered if they had even read his medical record!
I do wonder what someone is supposed to do if they have flu and the GP says - go home, drink lots, stay warm.
then a week later he needs to go and see someone somewhere else to see if he is allowed to stay off work for another few days
thus getting cold and moving around and spreading his flu around to everyone
I do wonder - does someone in the top ranks of the Tory party have shares ina big company supply "qualified" staff to the Job Centre to assess benefit payments and is looking to expand the company?
or am I being cynical???