The Queen / The Monarchy

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Reading around the chip
So you still haven't explained why YOU hate the Royal family, I've read what Multi bloke had to say and although I understand it I can't see why that would make you hate someone?

As for Ian all he said was something about democracy?

Obviously you can't (or don't want to) answer but surely coming out with the statement "I hate the mutherfarkers" you would want to explain exactly why you have such feelings and offer an insight into them?

You mention people being 'cringeworthy' which I understand but do you see people doing this on a daily basis in your life?

Weird. If someone else writes something that was close to what I would have written, I don't generally feel the need to repeat it. Perhaps this is a difference in the way forum discourse is understood, between individualists on the one hand and various kinds of collectivist or communitarian on the other. My interjection was intended not as a coherent political proposition but as a throwaway rebuttal of the idea that democracy is a callow preoccupation, and we will all mature into people who spout platitudes about what an amazing 'job' the queen did. This lengthy explanation kills the gag, IMO - it must be a barrel of laughs down the Swan and Paedo. Anyway, if you need me to type it myself - the royal family represent all the worst things about the nation. Hierarchy, deference, obscene inequality, imperialism, racism, patriarchy and misogyny, authoritarianism, unaccountability. Of course they're popular in some quarters, because some idiots love all that stuff.


Reading around the chip
And don't get me started on Nicholas Witchell.
Probably the worst person in Britain.

Deleted member 28

I don't have a cap to doff or a forelock to tug.
it's a matter of questioning everything they represent.
Do you need one or has anyone asked you to?

What answers do you think you need and if you had them how would you react and do you think life would improve for you once learnt?

I like seeking answers to these questions in case I've completely got life's priorities wrong and need to change my thoughts on such matters, also I think if people are forward enough to make such strong views known they should at least have a good reason for holding them.

Deleted member 28

Weird. If someone else writes something that was close to what I would have written, I don't generally feel the need to repeat it. Perhaps this is a difference in the way forum discourse is understood, between individualists on the one hand and various kinds of collectivist or communitarian on the other. My interjection was intended not as a coherent political proposition but as a throwaway rebuttal of the idea that democracy is a callow preoccupation, and we will all mature into people who spout platitudes about what an amazing 'job' the queen did. This lengthy explanation kills the gag, IMO - it must be a barrel of laughs down the Swan and Paedo. Anyway, if you need me to type it myself - the royal family represent all the worst things about the nation. Hierarchy, deference, obscene inequality, imperialism, racism, patriarchy and misogyny, authoritarianism, unaccountability. Of course they're popular in some quarters, because some idiots love all that stuff.

I see, you dislike Hierarchy but I guess you accept it in the workplace, inequality is a fact of life get over it, imperialism has no affect on you does it, racism not acceptable I agree, the rest really again doesn't affect you one jot so in reality your just whining for something to do.

Why the insults, you feeling threatened or something or is that ginger lesbian side of you coming out and you have to resort to petty insults?

Ian H

Legendary Member
So you still haven't explained why YOU hate the Royal family, I've read what Multi bloke had to say and although I understand it I can't see why that would make you hate someone?

As for Ian all he said was something about democracy?

Obviously you can't (or don't want to) answer but surely coming out with the statement "I hate the motherfookers" you would want to explain exactly why you have such feelings and offer an insight into them?

You mention people being 'cringeworthy' which I understand but do you see people doing this on a daily basis in your life?

Think 'hate' perhaps more in the way of hating soggy chips or cheap lager, rather than something homicidal. Not quite literal (cf "I could murder a pint").


Reading around the chip
I see, you dislike Hierarchy but I guess you accept it in the workplace
Not really.
inequality is a fact of life get over it
imperialism has no affect on you does it,
Of course it does. It's 'effect', by the way.
racism not acceptable I agree,
Mate - you literally posted a white nationalist flag over the road.
that ginger lesbian side of you
I'm intrigued about this voyage of self-discovery that apparently awaits me.


the royal family represent all the worst things about the nation. Hierarchy, deference, obscene inequality, imperialism, racism, patriarchy and misogyny, authoritarianism, unaccountability. Of course they're popular in some quarters, because some idiots love all that stuff.
All of that is true, but that is part of our history. They represent history. Isn't it better to have our history on display and say "we know these things about our history - we are doing better" than not to have that history displayed at all?


Über Member
I like seeking answers to these questions in case I've completely got life's priorities wrong and need to change my thoughts on such matters, also I think if people are forward enough to make such strong views known they should at least have a good reason for holding them.
It's possible I was just whining for something to do

I see, you dislike Hierarchy but I guess you accept it in the workplace, inequality is a fact of life get over it, imperialism has no affect on you does it, racism not acceptable I agree, the rest really again doesn't affect you one jot so in reality your just whining for something to do.


Reading around the chip
All of that is true, but that is part of our history. They represent history. Isn't it better to have our history on display and say "we know these things about our history - we are doing better" than not to have that history displayed at all?

They don't 'represent' history - they are still very busy shaping it in their interests.


On a more positive note, monarchies are generally more stable than republics and in particular Mauro Guillén's study from 2018 shows that on average, citizens of a monarchy are £600 per annum better off than those of democratic republics.

'On average' 😏

Tells us nothing about wealth inequality.
UK has the worst wealth inequality in Western Europe. Also the only western European nation with an entrenched constitutional monarchy.

Deleted member 28

Think 'hate' perhaps more in the way of hating soggy chips or cheap lager, rather than something homicidal. Not quite literal (cf "I could murder a pint").

Oh ok, "I hate the motherfookers" doesn't really mean that then.

Got it now, like not liking sprouts I suppose.

"Sprouts, I hate those motherfookers".

I'm getting there.


As already asked though, don't attempt to start an insult war as I think you may lose, WHY is it you 'hate' them so much?

Do they directly affect your life in any way

Therein lies the rub.

The way in which affects you may not be apparent. It may take living outside of a society with such an entrenched (and effectively constitutional) aristocratic hierarchy to undo the indoctrination.
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