What exactly in your eyes does 'it' stand for?
What affect does it have on you or anyone close to you, do you lose money due to the 'institution' or know anyone who has been harmed due to 'it'?
I'm just trying to understand any other reason for the bitterness you people have if it isn't jealousy of some sort.
As others have said I don't personally have to suffer to despise something. When I see someone verbally or physically abusing someone else I despise that.
The institution of royalty, to me, still is the enduring face of empire, with all it's ills and the whole colonial enterprise. Let me give you an example. There is a Monument near me that celebrates the reign of Victoria and the 'restoration of peace' in South Africa a long time ago. That peace involved the death of many, many young British men in a war to preserve the British Empire and the Empress.
The institution of royalty still epitomises hereditary inequality - in other words unearned privilege. Getting a bigger share of the pie, not because of special achievements or virtue, but simply because of an accident of birth.
I am not envious or jealous of the position Royals find themselves in; I enjoy a quiet and comfortable life like many boomers who had the benefit of a good education and health care system. I am distressed at the position people at the bottom of the pile find themselves in now.
I am surprised that the dissonance between hard working people struggling and the Royals is only now registering with younger people.