The Queen / The Monarchy

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Got your big pants on again?

I love a keyboard warrior like you, one minute all intellectual and flexing their educational muscles the next resorting to girly name calling.

As I've said in the past the internet must have been a massive release for people like you because it affords you somewhere you can play the big man without having to back yourself up, brilliant.

I enjoy the foreplay though. X.

Typical Shep.

Dishes it out.

Whines when he gets some of it back.

Deleted member 28

Actually, it's the government spunking your money by deliberately creating a huge backlog of claims rather than dealing with them efficiently and allowing successful claimants to start contributing to the economy.

F**k them off altogether and save 6mil per day, simples.

Pale Rider

Or we could allow them to work and pay taxes, thereby making money for the country.

Ah no, you can't let too much daylight intrude on magic.

The other point is the working royals, such as Princess Anne, would tell you they do work.

The numbers of public engagements they complete tells you that.

It's not work in the sense of banging hubcaps on Cortinas, but endless receptions and gladhanding no doubt palls once you've done it for a week, let alone for years.

There is also an unquantifiable financial benefit to the charity which is the host of most of the engagements.

By all means campaign to abolish the monarchy, but 'they don't work' is not your best point.

Whines when he gets some of it back.

If you think Shep digging you out as a verbose keyboard warrior t*sspot is whining, then can I offer you a lend of my dictionary?


No you clown it's just abuse.

Why do you have to add words that have no meaning to every sentence?

You are so astoundingly dim.

I can't even be bothered to explain to you what "by proxy" means. :laugh:

Deleted member 28

You are so astoundingly dim.

I can't even be bothered to explain to you what "by proxy" means. :laugh:

Who really cares what anyone on here thinks, some love asylum seekers others don't some like having a Monarchy others don't, there's nothing any of us can do about it is there?

I'm just waiting for the massive improvement in my living standards once Labour get in.

I guess the floodgates will open and there will be skilled, willing workers on every corner desperate to contribute to our economy.

The NHS waiting lists will disappear as all the Doctors and Nurses coming in on the boats will immediately get jobs and you won't be able to move for builders and lorry drivers!

I'm assuming that who does, and doesn't get into a football team is done on raw talent.??
So no 'favouritism' leg-ups there I guess.
Sorry to here you were a bit sh*t at it - still you get to enjoy watching others do it well, so some compensation there, maybe. 🤔

The other inequalities, and levelling up of opportunity and access to resources, could be addressed by much more socially democratic government action (such as better funded, and managed health, and education policies) being paid for by progressive taxation, so that wealth and privilege doesn't unfairly accrue in one group, whilst leaving others suffering badly from a deficit.

The priveleged hierarchical 'entitled' system promoted by monarchy goes against the principals of the above.

Many of the Scandinavian countries, and other parts of Europe, in fact The EU as a whole seek to address this inequality.

We have particularly high levels of inequality, for a 'westernised' country.

But those other places that do better by their citizenry in general, are not 'communist' countries no.

I do live in a mutually beneficial, and supportive community, yes.

Does that make me a 'commie'??

In your reductive view, perhaps.

If so, then lucky me the 'communist' 🌈🌱💃🦫🎠🙄

Maybe pictures will help....



Über Member
By all means campaign to abolish the monarchy, but 'they don't work' is not your best point.

I think you have genuinely misunderstood what my point was, which was in no way a comparison with the royal family. The point was that letting asylum seekers work would be of benefit to the tax man, society and themselves too.

Pale Rider

I think you have genuinely misunderstood what my point was, which was in no way a comparison with the royal family. The point was that letting asylum seekers work would be of benefit to the tax man, society and themselves too.

Monarchy to asylum seekers is far too big a thread swerve for me.

So I'm entangled in the barriers, while you are free to compete in the sprint finish.
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