The Queen / The Monarchy

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
We can now see the type of morals the members on here have. All happy for their daughters to have sex at 14 i see and liking a post from a member admitting to having sex with a 14yr old……….irrespective of his age.

and you abuse the monarchy, tories and brexiters………ffs

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Boys and girls under 16 experiment with all sorts of things. That is a natural part of growing up.

There would have been many things my kids got up to at that age that, as a parent, I warned them the dangers of, would not have been happy with them doing and that they would probably not have told me about at the time. Just like the relationship I, and all my friends, had with our parents as kids.

You can help your kids to understand the pitfalls in life and the mistakes they can make, try and make them trust and be open with you...then let them lead their lives and keep your fingers crossed...and do not condemn them for those mistakes when they grow older.


Elder Goth
Not sure I'd agree that it's not relevant, it was a thing I brought up just once, ages ago, can't actually remember why now. Our Welsh correspondent seems fixated. Very strange.

But, fair enough, it's not actually getting us anywhere, because despite wanting the forum to be added to, he's incapable of doing so. Quelle surprise.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see if the two guys actually get done for assault, which they should. And what happens to the guy charged with breaching the peace, which should be nothing IMO. But you never know.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
I see the perverted wanktard is speaking about me again


Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
Can I just say that @Fab Foodie is obviously a colossal pervert?

You can and you may....

Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
Should have....happy now 🙄
Put yourself forward for a grammer mod ?

Many words in English have multiple spellings. In some cases, however, a deviation is an error, and nothing else.

Children learning English in school are exposed to formal grammar lessons at an early age, and they learn the language’s complexities as they progress through the educational system. Yet, many writers are unsure of the correct spelling of the word grammar. This uncertainty leads to embarrassing mistakes.

To be fair, however, Grammer is also a word used in English that does have appropriate usage cases. None of them have anything to do with grammar, though.
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